'Little People, Big World': The fate of Matt and Amy looks uncertain as their lives and family dynamics change

'Little People, Big World' is all set to come back for a new season and while the people are still the same, their lives are not. For a long time, the lives of the family used to revolve around a 34-acre farm in Oregon but ever since Matt and Amy Roloff got a divorce, the land was divided which also showed how the family was torn apart.
In the preview for the upcoming season, it seemed like Amy has to decide what she wants to do with her side of the land. Matt seems keen on buying her property but the question took Amy by surprise.
"I own the south side of the farm, so I thought I'd make an offer to purchase the rest of the farm from you. I want to get this done before the end of the year," Matt tells Amy.
He continues, "If it can’t happen quickly, then I want to look at putting the place on the market.” Amy looks unsure of how to answer and speaking to the camera, she says, "Hopefully this won't be the Hatfields and the McCoys."
She continues, "I don't have a house yet, I'm still kind of figuring it out.” While the differences create an uncomfortable situation between the two, one thing that brings the family together is the birth of Zach and his wife Tori's second child, daughter Lilah Ray.
The pair break the news that they are expecting a second child and it brings all the family together.
The preview shows the couple visiting a doctor who informs them that most likely the baby girl is a dwarf. In the background, we can hear Amy say that there are a lot of uncertainties that seem to appear in the relationship that is shared by family members.
While there are some tough times that the family faces, the upcoming season is also filled with some happy news as we see Amy and Matt getting engaged to their respective partners. There is no doubt that the season is filled with bittersweet moments as it promises to take viewers on a ride filled with emotions.
'Little People, Big World' airs on Tuesdays at 9 pm ET on TLC.