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'Little People, Big World': Amy's getting closer to dad after mom's death, says talking to him is a 'blessing'

Amy Roloff is opening up about how her life has changed after the death of her mother Patricia Knight
UPDATED MAY 13, 2020
Patricia, Gordon and Amy (TLC)
Patricia, Gordon and Amy (TLC)

Amy Roloff was left with conflicted emotions when she first heard the news about her mother Patricia Knight's death. And ever since she passed away, things have changed. In the latest episode (May 12), Amy opened up to Chris Marek about how she had been feeling.

She confessed that ever since her mother's death, she has started to understand her father, Gordon Knight, better. Amy revealed Gordon had never been a person who would open up about his feelings but after the death of her mother, she realized the importance of taking some time off and making an effort to call him every day. 

Amy revealed even when her mother was alive, she had been closer to her than her father. She recalled calling home and most of the time talking to her mother while her father would occasionally get on the call. However, after Patricia's death, Amy finally got a chance to talk to her father more. 

She said that since he was the one picking up the call, she had more chance of talking to him while adding that she saw it as a blessing. When Amy had first heard about Patricia's death, she confessed it was a shock and something she did not expect to hear for a while. Amy revealed her mother had some health conditions prior to her death but her death still came as a shock. 

Amy thought it would be good to look at the positive side and look at all the things that she was part of. She revealed her mother got a chance to spend some time with the entire family in summer. Amy confessed she would have loved to spend some more time with her mother while adding that she would have also liked if the family got more chance to know her better.

Regardless of this, Amy decided to focus on all the positive things in her life as she recalled being engaged and buying a new house. She knew it was time for her to count her blessings and focus on things that are important while remembering her mother every day and cherishing her memories. 

'Little People, Big World' airs on Tuesdays at 9pm ET on TLC.