'Limetown' Episode 6 sheds light on the blind ambition of innovation and the price the people of the town pay for an experiment
After meeting with the mysterious financier of Limetown RB Villard (Hiro Kanagawa), Lia (Jessica Beil) receives a warning from her mother. She tells her that if her investigations into Limetown continue, those close to her will be dead. Not harmed, dead.
Still hot on the pursuit, Lia tampers with the interview recording swapping the Dr Max Finlayson (Louis Ferriera) mention with Oskar Totem (Alessandro Juliani). Villard had mentioned that Finlayson is ailed by a bad ego.
And rightly so. When Finlayson hears the interview on the radio, he is irked and approaches Lia himself. Episode 6 'A Simple Life' is perhaps the most informative episode of the Facebook Watch series so far.
Traveling to California to meet Max, the shroud of ambiguity is lifted (to a certain extent) in episode six. As it turns out, Oskar Totem was only the man on the face of the research — the con guy, as Max had pointed out.
The real brain behind the enigmatic "mind-to-mind" connection was really Dr. Max Finlayson, who not only had the idea in the first place but also the vision to make it work. What Totem did was build that vision into a dream shared by hundreds of people.
Ever since the series premiered on Facebook on October 16, 2019, there was a lot of ambiguity around the plotline, especially for the audience that didn't tune into the original podcast.
But the interview with Finlayson is illuminating. All of Limetown was an experiment — all the people its subjects. Of course, there is a control group as well — the group that was not on psychotropic drugs.
The idea behind mind-to-mind communication is bridging the gap that comes with having to use communication tools, for instance, language, words, etc.
Finlayson equates the connection to a link between two minds which facilitates a seamless channel for information flow. Sounds pretty interesting, but the idea in its essence is monstrous.
Lia's blind ambition seems to be taking over her journalistic ethics as well considering how she tampered with the recording. She justifies it as a stepping stone to the next source — the tampering is how she gets an interview with Finlayson in the first place.
Yet, it seems like the more we get to know about Limetown, the lesser we know about Lia. The episode also brings to light the unabashed naivety of innovation.
Max is passionate about his project but it comes at a hefty price that neither he nor anyone in Limetown was prepared for.
Released in batches of two episodes weekly, 'Limetown' is the story of an APR journalist who is investigating the disappearance of more than 300 people from a neuroscience research community called Limetown.
Two new episodes for 'Limetown' will be available every Wednesday at 12 pm PT/ 3 pm ET.