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Lewis Hamilton REGRETS having to refuse Tom Cruise's offer to star in 'Top Gun: Maverick' as fighter pilot

Lewis Hamilton described his call to Tom Cruise to refuse the role as 'the most upsetting call I think I've ever had'
Lewis Hamilton had to turn down the part of a fighter pilot in the film 'Top Gun: Maverick' due to his F1 commitments (Photo by Dan Mullan/Getty Images)
Lewis Hamilton had to turn down the part of a fighter pilot in the film 'Top Gun: Maverick' due to his F1 commitments (Photo by Dan Mullan/Getty Images)

Lewis Hamilton, the seven-time Formula 1 world champion, revealed that he had a chance to play a role in the film 'Top Gun: Maverick.' However, he turned it down because of his other engagements, including F1. Hamilton, the first black Formula 1 driver, expressed his love for the original 1986 'Top Gun' film and was thrilled when the opportunity presented itself.

In an interview with Vanity Fair, Hamilton spoke candidly about his experience thus far, even mentioning the chance to play a part in the 'Top Gun' sequel. Hamilton spoke about his love of fashion, the prejudice in his family and the sports world, the beginnings of his enthusiasm for racing, and the upcoming changes to the Formula 1 driver community in 2022.


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"Basically I'm a friend of Tom [Cruise]," the Mercedes driver said. "One of the nicest people you'll ever meet. He invited me to his set years ago when he was doing 'Edge of Tomorrow', and then we just built a friendship over time."


Hamilton was obsessed with becoming a fighter pilot as a boy after watching the original 'Top Gun.' "So when I heard the second one was coming out, I was like, 'Oh, my God, I have to ask him,'" he says. "I said, 'I don't care what role it is. I'll even sweep something, be a cleaner in the back.'"

Tom Cruise was happy to have Hamilton in the movie and he was offered a role as a fighter pilot. However, when Hamilton realized there would not be enough time to integrate playing the part along with his rigorous race preparation, he had to say no.

Tom Cruise bumps fists with Lewis Hamilton of Great Britain and Mercedes GP on the grid before the F1 Grand Prix of Great Britain at Silverstone on July 18, 2021 in Northampton, England.
Tom Cruise bumps fists with Lewis Hamilton of Great Britain and Mercedes GP on the grid before the F1 Grand Prix of Great Britain at Silverstone on July 18, 2021 in Northampton, England ( Lars Baron/Getty Images)

Hamilton admits, "I'm a perfectionist," and knowing the fact that he wouldn't have enough time he called Cruise and Joseph Kosinski to inform them, calling it "the most upsetting call I think I've ever had." Nevertheless, Hamilton is working as a producer for a new Formula 1 film for which he will collaborate with Brad Pitt. Joseph Kosinski, director of 'Top Gun: Maverick,' will direct this movie.

The British race car driver replied said that he was "still on the mission" when asked about his future plans. "I'll be lying if I said that I hadn't thought about extending," he admitted. "I'm still on the mission, I'm still loving driving, I'm still being challenged by it. So I don't really feel like I have to give it up anytime soon."