LeBron James slams NFL team owners for "slave mentality" on HBO's 'The Shop'

LeBron James sat down with Los Angeles Rams superstar Todd Gurley in the latest episode of the HBO series 'The Shop,' a 30-minute weekly talk show produced by James and business partner Maverick Carter, and which features athletes and celebrities discussing sports and life.
During Friday's episode where the focus was on the misappropriated adoption of Black culture and the NFL, King James slammed NFL owners for operating with a “slave mentality.” James also went on to criticize the system of non-guaranteed contracts in the NFL.
“In the NFL they got a bunch of old white men owning teams and they got that slave mentality,” James said during the episode. “And it’s like, ‘This is my team. You do what I f**kin' I tell y’all to do. Or we get rid of y’all.’"