‘Teen Mom 2’: Leah Messer confronts her ex for mistreating her when she was addicted, fans say 'get over yourself'

Leah’s struggle with addiction in the past is nothing new. The MTV show had covered the issue several times in the past and Leah had also mentioned it in her book, ‘Hope, Grace & Faith’. In the December 15 episode of ‘Teen Mom 2’, she said since her past case of addiction was public knowledge, she wanted to do more for people who might be going through the same thing.
Leah shares twin daughters Aleeah and Aliannah Simms, 10, with ex-husband Corey Simms and their younger sister Adalynn Calvert, 7, with ex-husband Jeremy Calvert. Leah told Jeremy that she had decided to get trained in carrying naloxone, which is a nasal spray used to counteract an opioid overdose. Later she went for the training and said to the camera that West Virginia was still struggling with the opioid crisis and so many of them might have the same experience as her and she wanted to be an advocate for the nasal spray and spread awareness.
“Total relate to leah. I'm a super advocate for addiction and homelessness...only cuz I've been there. U go girl!” wrote a fan of the show. “My husband died of an overdose, thank you leah for doing this,” wrote another. “I have an all new respect for u. I've always loved u but this is I side nobody knew n I was just like u I was a functioning addict n a lot didn't know. Sober 9 yrs n my addiction came from breaking my neck n having multiple surgeries over time ur body becomes used to it n that starts the addiction. Leah I'm so very proud of u keeping helping people be aware. Yes they are addicts but they are someone's family,” wrote yet another viewer.
She later met her sister and told her her visit to the community center was worth it and she was officially trained to carry naloxone. She said whenever a situation of opioid overdose arrives she is supposed to call 911, spray the medicine into the nostril and stay with the person till help arrives. She then broke down talking about people who lost their near and dear ones to the drug overdose. She further said she didn’t want her daughters to grow up and look at people struggling with addiction the way most people look at them. While most viewers supported her, some felt everything she does on the show is forced, “In the middle of a “pandemic” with a special needs child, she decides to get this “training”?? Give me a break. She needs to get over herself. It’s a damn spray in the nose. She needs to focus on her kids!!” Another felt it’s a strategy to push her new book, “I honestly skip through all the parts that show Leah- she’s boring & fake. I don’t feel like she’s truthful about anything she says, she’s just trying to push her new book & these ridiculous speeches get over yourself.”
She later talked to her other ex-husband Corey and told him how she felt mistreated when she was struggling with addiction six years ago and Corey and his wife turned against her and tried to take full custody of her twins. She felt she needed to clear out the air about it to fully recover and that getting rid of any resentment was important for full recovery. “Look. Its not easy to talk about your most darkest days. Because people sometimes look at you as that person you were when you were using. I am 2 years sober from opiates, I lost my kids. Thats the lowest of the low! But I got my shit together and got them back home and havent even thought of doing that crap again. I think its amazing shes using her voice and trying to make a difference!” commented a viewer of the show on Instagram.
'Teen Mom 2' airs on Tuesdays at 8 pm ET on MTV.