LASD deputy fired after he was caught having sex on duty, department confirms

An unnamed Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (LASD) deputy has been fired by the department nearly a year after he was caught having sex on the job. For the past several months, the officer has been on administrative leave while the department investigated the incident. That investigation is now over, with the LASD confirming the officer's employment has been terminated for "violating policy".
The deputy was caught doing the deed because his dispatch mic was on, but over the past year, plenty of others have been caught on video as well. In June, Fresno correctional officer Tina Gonzalez was sentenced to seven months in county jail for having sex with an inmate, in front of others. Earlier in April, we also reported on Javontate Richardson, a Miami prison guard who had sex with a minor and was caught on CCTV. In August, ex-soldier Danielle Ferrero was caught pleasing herself at Charlotte County jail during a virtual visit to her boyfriend.
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News of the LASD deputy's good time was first broken by TMZ in December 2020. They managed to get their hands on the audio of the incident, which was heard by a dispatcher trying to get his attention. But clearly, the officer was more focused on other things and is now on the lookout for new employment.
Officer caught on open mic
It's unclear when exactly the incident occurred, but TMZ broke the story on December 22. The cop was on duty at the Bates Motel on the Universal Studios lot in LA, but it appears he had other things to do. He could be heard loud and clear having sex in his squad car, as could the moans of an unidentified woman. From the audio, it's clear her moans of "Oh. Oh, my goodness!" were so loud, that the cop couldn't hear the dispatcher.
"95 Ocean, you have an open mic," the dispatcher can be heard saying over the radio. "95 Ocean, you have an open mic — take care of mic." The message didn't get through though, and the duo continued to have fun for some time. It's unclear how long the duo was on the mic, but it certainly was long enough to get the attention of higher-ups. Shortly after TMZ reported the incident, the officer was placed on administrative leave pending an investigation.
"The deputy was immediately relieved of duty and an administrative investigation has been opened. The deputy's peace officer's powers have been suspended and the proper administrative action will be taken based on the outcome of the investigation," the LASD said at the time. Now, several months later, the investigation has ended. "The administrative investigation has concluded regarding this incident. We can say is Sheriff Alex Villanueva takes allegations of misconduct very seriously," the department told TMZ on October 6.
The department confirmed that the officer in question had been fired because having sex on the job was a violation of policy. As with most cases, the officer will have the ability to appeal the firing, but it's not clear if he has any intention to do so at the moment. We could not find the name of the officer, and the LASD has refused to identify him "at this time" because "the administrative process is still unfolding."