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'Oh god, I hate this': King Charles III's mood changes dramatically as pen he was writing with begins to leak

Befuddled advisors hastily took away the pen and replaced it before the Queen Consort also sat down to sign the book
UPDATED SEP 14, 2022
King Charles III lost his cool while signing a book after a pen's ink dripped all over his hands (@CBSNews/Twitter)
King Charles III lost his cool while signing a book after a pen's ink dripped all over his hands (@CBSNews/Twitter)

HILLSBOROUGH, NORTHERN IRELAND: King Charles III's mood seemed to have changed dramatically after the pen he was writing with began to leak. King Charles attempted to sign a book at the conclusion of his visit on Tuesday, September 13, but the pen's dripping ink appeared to annoy him as he sat inside Hillsborough Castle, close to Belfast, Northern Ireland, according to Daily Telegraph. The new King inquired about the date while signing a visitor's book in front of the cameras at the castle in a video clip that was shared widely on social media platforms. 

As the pen starts to leak, King Charles exclaimed, "Oh God, I hate this [pen]," handing it to the Queen Consort Camila Parker Bowles while frantically rubbing the ink off his fingers. Later, after King Charles left the room with aides, the Queen Consort complained that the ink was going everywhere and requested a replacement. The King was then heard saying, “I can’t bear this bloody thing… every stinking time.” Befuddled advisors hastily took away the pen and replaced it before the Queen Consort also sat down to sign the book. 


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As expected, many on social media reacted to the clip and expressed their thoughts and even cracked jokes. One person wrote on Twitter, "I feel his pain. This is me, whenever I open a printer cartridge. He's a human being, just like all of us, and clearly under huge pressure and feeling the strain. Who wouldn't be[?] Don't @ me.”

“Charles is so done with kinging,” another user added. Someone wrote, “Aww His mum has just died and he’s not had a moment to just grieve. Cut the man some slack.”

“The man has traveled nonstop doing his duty and putting his personal grief to the side for the SAKE OF HIS COUNTRY and you berate him for being upset? He is nearly 75 years and has been working nonstop for his country. I would be exhausted and would have quit. Leave him ALONE!” another user remarked. 


The recent incident reportedly took place ahead of a service of reflection at St Anne’s Cathedral. As he performs ceremonial responsibilities across the United Kingdom, the new King has had a number of long days.

A similar mishap took place when the King was in St James’s Palace during the Accession Council ceremony recently. The 73-year-old had urgently signaled for the desk pen box from his desk to be moved. The King could also be seen frowning at an aide and giving the impression that he wanted the pen tray taken away before someone else is spotted doing so. Prince William then took his seat to sign the declaration and he had to awkwardly ask for the pen and pen tray to be returned. 





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