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RNC 2020: Kimberly Guilfoyle's screaming is like Dwight Schrute quoting Mussolini in 'The Office', say viewers

'This Guilfoyle speech is like Dwight giving the Mussolini speech to a paper convention'
(IMDb/Getty Images)
(IMDb/Getty Images)

While the first night of the Republican National Convention had a line up of many well-known Republicans, one of the speakers who stood out the most was former Fox News host, national chair of Trump's 2020 Victory Finance Committee and Donald Trump Jr's current girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle.

After she took the podium, the pitch of her voice steadily increased to the point where she was literally screaming at the viewers, finishing her speech with a dramatic showmanship flare that led many to take to social media to post hilarious reactions and memes shortly after she stopped speaking. While some could not get past how loud she was, others drew a comparison between her speech and an episode in the Season 2 of popular sitcom 'The Office,' titled 'Dwight's Speech' where Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) wins the award for Dunder Mifflin salesman of the year and begins shouting quotes from dictators like Benito Mussolini into the microphone. 

"Big Dwight-Schrute-doing-Mussolini vibes there," one wrote, while another commented, "This Guilfoyle speech is like Dwight giving the Mussolini speech to a paper convention."




Here are a few other reactions to Guilfoyle's speech:




Guilfoyle began her speech by saying, “I speak to you tonight as a mother, a former prosecutor, a Latina and a proud American," quickly added, “And yes, a proud supporter of Donald J Trump.”

She continued by saying, “He is the president who delivers for America. He built the greatest economy the world has ever known for the strivers, the working class, and middle class. As commander-in-chief, he always puts America first. President Trump is ‘the’ law and order president.” Guilfoyle added, “now, presidential leadership is not guaranteed, it is a choice. Biden, Harris, and the rest of the socialists will fundamentally change this nation. They want open borders, closed schools, dangerous amnesty, and will selfishly send your jobs back to China while they get rich. They will defund, dismantle and destroy America's law enforcement. When you are in trouble and need police, don't count on the Democrats.”

“This election is the battle for the soul of America. Your choice is clear,” Guilfoyle said. On Trump ‘Making America Great Again’, she said that he wanted to restore the “beacon of light” which once shone on the country bright. She said, “When President Trump commanded the defeat of ISIS, took out al-Baghdadi and Soleimani and paved the way for peace in the middle east, that beacon started to glow. When he negotiated historic trade deals with Canada, Mexico, Japan and China, bringing back thousands of manufacturing jobs to America, that beacon shined bright once again for the world to see.”

She added, “America, President Trump believes in you. He emancipates and lifts you up to live your American dream. You have the ability to choose your life and determine your destiny. Don’t let the Democrats take you for granted, don’t let them step on you.” She urged voters to stand for a "president who is fearless, who believes in you, and who loves this country and will fight for her." She concluded the speech animatedly by declaring, “Ladies and gentleman, leader and fighters for the freedom and liberty of the American dream, the best is yet  to come.”