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Kim Kardashian trying to get son's murderer released angers victim's mother, says it makes her feel 'sick to the stomach'

The reality TV star posed for a photo alongside Cooper on Thursday after launching a legal campaign to secure his release.
UPDATED FEB 17, 2020
Kim Kardashian West (Source : Getty Images)
Kim Kardashian West (Source : Getty Images)

While Kim Kardashian has become a savior for a number of wrongly or harshly convicted inmates, not everyone is happy with her social work.

The reality star recently angered the mother of an 11-year-old boy who was reportedly killed by the man she is trying to free from prison, Daily Mail reports.

Kim posed for a photo alongside Kevin Cooper on Thursday after launching a legal campaign to secure his release. The convicted killer is currently on death row at the infamous San Quentin prison.

After a lengthy two-hour conversation with the quadruple murderer, Kim was convinced the 61-year-old has been framed. 

However, the mother of one of Cooper's victims isn't happy with the reality star.

Mary Ann Hughes lost her son Christopher in 1983. According to her, Cooper's attorneys "are using [Kim] for her reality show status because they can't use the truth to try to help Kevin Cooper."

"The truth just condemns him," she told TMZ.  

"I had an emotional meeting with Kevin Cooper yesterday at San Quentin's death row," the 38-year-old tweeted on Friday. "I found him to be thoughtful, honest and I believe him to be innocent of the crimes for which he was convicted."

Meanwhile, Hughes said she was disgusted to see Kardashian embracing her son's murderer.

"It makes me feel sick to my stomach and I pity her. For what she's doing to us, there's nothing to justify what she's doing to us, the immense pain she is causing us," she told the outlet. 

Christopher was staying at a friend's house when he was killed in 1983. He was murdered alongside Jessica, 10, and her parents Douglas and Peggy Ryens at their residence in Chino Hills, Los Angeles.

Hughes thinks Kim has "not read all of the actual evidence."

"She has bought into half-truths perpetrated by the defense. If she actually sat down and read the transcripts of all the trials and appeals, she would be sick to her stomach to be in the same room with him," Hughes said.

But Cooper has maintained his innocence ever since his arrest.

Back in October 2018, then-Governor of California Jerry Brown conducted a DNA test against Cooper and evidence found at the scene after Kim asked him to re-open his case and investigate new potential evidence may prove him innocent of the crime.

Then, in February, California's new governor Gavin Newson ordered additional testing of evidence.

Last week, Kim stopped by the maximum security facility to get to know Cooper as they waited for the results.

During Cooper's original appeal, a t-shirt belonging to the killer was found to have his blood with traces of test tube preservative on it. This meant the blood on the shirt had been poured from a test tube of Cooper's blood, and had not splattered during the murders.

According to advocates, the San Bernardino Sheriff's Department tampered with DNA evidence to frame Cooper.

Furthermore, there were witnesses who placed three white men at the scene driving away in the family car -- but cops only focused on Cooper.

Ever since his arrest, the California man has been fighting to have his case reexamined. What's more? Five judges have agreed he was wrongly convicted, yet he remains locked up.

It was revealed last month that Kim has freed as many as 17 inmates by secretly funding a criminal justice reform campaign. Her social work began in June last year when she secured the release of Tennessee grandmother Alice Marie Johnson after petitioning President Donald Trump for the same.

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