Khloe Kardashian drops $4,000 just on baby girl's travel items including stroller and diaper bag

Khloe Kardashian was left devastated after she heard the news about the alleged cheating scandal involving her boyfriend Tristan Thompson. While he was allowed in the delivery room as she welcomed their daughter on April 12, it does not look like Khloe has any plans of staying back in Cleaveland as she is reportedly shopping for travel items, according to TMZ.
The website reports that ever since Khloe has welcomed her daughter, she has been on a shopping spree where she is making sure that her daughter has everything she needs. However, as it turns out, she was low on luggage and other travel items and keeping in mind that Khloe has thoughts about heading back to LA, it is known that her daughter might be needing these items on her list.
Sources told the website that she has 'loaded up with about 20 items from Bev Hills baby boutique Petit Tresor' and it also happens to be one of the favorite stops for the Kardashians. At the same time, Khloe 'dropped just under $4,000 to get a BabyZen Yoyo Travel Stroller, a Medela Pump On-The-Go Station, and a Storksak Travel Diaper Bag.'
Previously, Khloe had mentioned that she would love to stay in Cleveland with her baby daddy and their beautiful daughter. But things have completely changed ever since the videos and photos of Tristan allegedly cheating on Khloe surfaced.
On Tuesday (April 10) multiple photos of Tristan kissing two girls emerged pointing that the NBA star had been cheating on Khloe when she was pregnant. At the same time, another video emerged of Tristan in which he was allegedly kissing a girl during the afterparty of their match. Since then, there have been several other claims about him cheating on Khloe multiple times. Khloe is currently in Cleveland, surrounded by her family as she waits to deliver her baby.
Tristan or anyone from the Kardashians family has not yet commented on the alleged cheating. However, the only person who hinted that things were not right between the two after the videos were Khloe's best friend, Malika Haqq. She wrote, " The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother."