Weather forecaster Kelly Plasker found dead 2 years after teenage son hanged himself: 'My brain is broken'

Texas weather forecaster, Kelly Plasker, who killed herself over the weekend after posting on her Facebook page that her "brain is broken" lost her son in February of 2018 after he hanged himself at his home.
At the time, Thomas Locke was just two weeks shy of his 20th birthday. Opening up about her son's death at the time, Plasker did not hide the manner of his demise. "With somebody in the house, he still felt so alone that he made that choice," Plasker said. She said that the Lubbock Police Department’s crisis team helped her deal with her son’s death.
Although Plasker was aggrieved about her son's death, it was unclear if it was one of the reasons which prompted her to opt for a similar fate as her Facebook post did not mention anything about the tragedy. She began her post by recalling an experience she had with the band director at her high school. “I got thrown off course in high school by a man twice my age. My band director, using his time at Frenship high school to find his new 'soul mate!'" she said.
She said that the band director looked at her "in ways that men should not look at children". Plasker added that she got "picked off" by a predator as predators can find people "without much family support or resources". She went on to have a five-year relationship with the man that involved "grooming" and was "abusive". The experience apparently left her feeling unworthy of having a relationship because she "was never going to be good enough for anybody with which I can make memories and grow old together".
"Thanks all I needed to get out there as my final confession for the sins I am responsible for adding to the cross," she concluded her post. "I love you my friends. My brain is broken and I cannot take it anymore." In another post from the same morning, Plasker wrote, "I love you all but my love isn't enough and only hurts the people I love most."
KCBD vice president and general manager Dan Jackson said in a statement regarding Plasker's death: "We are deeply saddened by the tragic and sudden loss of KCBD weekend morning forecaster Kelly Plasker. Kelly was a dedicated member of the KCBD weather staff, well-liked by viewers and admired by her co-workers. Our deepest sympathies go out to Kelly's family in this time of great loss. We would like to thank the many viewers who have reached out through our social media channels in kindness and support to honor Kelly's memory."
The channel honored Plasker in an on-air tribute on Sunday, August 30 night, calling her a "bright spot in our weekend mornings and in our lives." Before the tribute, news anchor Kase Wilbanks told viewers that Plasker's "sudden death early this morning has broken our hearts. Kelly Plasker, KCBD’s weekend morning forecaster, a dedicated member of the KCBD weather staff and a beloved co-worker for all of us. In her three years on air, she showed us her passion for weather, which came through in her forecasts that kept us all safe and prepared for the day ahead."
The tribute said: "She showed her heart and her love, for which we will all be thankful for. From the KCBD family to Kelly, we share our sympathies. We’re grateful for the time we shared with Kelly and the joy she shared with us."
After the tribute concluded, Willibanks shared the contact information for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, adding, "Experts say stopping suicide means increasing the conversations about mental and emotional health. They say to reach out for help, so ask for help if you’re struggling or have had thoughts of suicide. Everyone should educate themselves on warning signs for those we love."
If you or someone you know is considering suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Remember, suicide is not the answer.