'RHOC' star Kara Keough's newborn son dies tragically during childbirth complication

Former 'The Real Housewives of Orange County' star Kara Keough Bosworth announced some tragic news on Instagram on Tuesday. Her newborn son McCoy Casey Bosworth died from complications during childbirth.
She wrote, alongside a photo that had her son’s name, “On April 6th, our son McCoy Casey Bosworth was born at 3:10 am. Weighing in at 11 pounds and 4 ounces and spanning 21 inches, McCoy surprised us all with his size and strength (and overall perfection). During the course of his birth, he experienced shoulder dystocia and a compressed umbilical cord.”
“He joined our Heavenly Father and will live forever in the hearts of his loving parents, his adoring sister, and those that received his life-saving gifts," wrote Bosworth. “I wrote this for the organ/tissue procurement team to read out in his honor: ‘Tonight, we join together to honor this little savior’s gifts of life. Through him, may others find new hope and profound healing... and may he live again through them. May his legacy shine in the form of lifetimes aplenty - lives filled with laughter, compassion, energy, love, and most of all gratitude. May it be said that McCoy Casey Bosworth left this world in a better place, for a better place.... that he made an impact... that he was an answered prayer... that he was a hero. May angels lead him in. Thank you, McCoy’.”
Quoting John 16:20, she added to the Instagram caption, “And Jesus said, ‘Very truly I tell you, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy. A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come, but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world. So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy’... Until we see you again... We love you, McCoy.”
Bosworth had first announced her pregnancy on November 2, 2019, with a photo of her family -- husband Kyle Bosworth and daughter Decker Kate Bosworth. Decker, in the photo, was holding a tiny T-shirt that read “Bebe Tigre” and the caption read, “Babe Tigre coming April 2020.”
She has since shared much about her pregnancy on her social media. A little more than a month ago, she shared a post about not just her pregnancy but also the pregnancies of her friends Amy Crawford and Alex Morgan. “Watching these two become mamas here in the next few months (one April, one June) will be one of the coolest milestones of our friendship. I can’t wait to meet the next generation of my favorite humans. Baby Boy Cole, Baby Girl Carrasco, and Baby Bosworth - coming in hot! Next time I see these beauties, at least one of us will be wearing a diaper (and I’m pretty sure that’ll be me). Love you, mamacitas,” she wrote.