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Justice League's Hall Of Justice: Did the Arrowverse beat Zack Snyder in showing the team's new headquarters?

The Hall Of Justice was teased in the 'The Crisis On Infinite Earths', the multiverse-spanning crossover event that took place in The CW this year
'Crisis On infinite Earths' (The CW)
'Crisis On infinite Earths' (The CW)

Zack Snyder has been amping up the already-feverish hype surrounding the Snyder Cut of the 'Justice League' movie, which is due to release on HBO Max in 2020. He generated more excitement when he teased the Hall Of Justice for the upcoming DC FanDome event. At the end of 'Justice League', Bruce decided to make the Wayne Manor the League's headquarters and transform it to become the DCEU's version of the Hall of Justice.

This time, Snyder teased the image of the Wayne Manor before it became the Hall Of Justice. DC wasn't present at this year's San Diego Comic-Con virtual event and organized their own digital convention, which will take place on August 22. This event promises some thrilling new info for fans, as well as some more details about the Snyder Cut.

The tale about the Snyder Cut isn't an entirely new one. Snyder had to step away from the 'Justice League' in 2017, six months ahead of its release, due to a personal tragedy. Warner Bros hired Joss Whedon, who stepped in and apparently made dramatic changes to the storyline and reshot several scenes. The film received negative reviews and was panned by the audience as well. The box-office collection wasn't worth writing home about, either.

For three years, fans kept up a relentless campaign about the Snyder Cut of the film as they were certain it existed. Snyder slowly added fuel to the fire and finally, he gave wings to the dreams of DC fans. In May this year, Snyder announced that the mythical version is a reality, and it would release next year. He's got his chance to redeem the film and fans aren't entirely sure what's in store. Nevertheless, they are waiting with bated breath. 

Snyder's 'Justice League' was meant to have a stronger connection to 'Batman Vs Superman: Dawn Of Justice' and in 2018, Snyder revealed a storyboard sequence that would have included the first sighting of Darkseid. In this scene, Cyborg plugs into the Genesis Chamber (on the Kryptonian ship) and this would be the first sighting of Darkseid.

'Justice League' (IMDb)

Not just this, it's a similar nightmare vision in 'Batman VS Superman', where he also sees a half-buried Hall of Justice sign in the rubble. Some fans observed the Wayne Manor in the background. There were threads that would be connected to the future DCEU films that sadly haven't been able to come to fruition. 

While DC films including Ezra Miller's solo 'Flash' film stalled, the network shows in the Arrowverse scaled heights in popularity and teased their version of the Justice League. During The CW's 'Crisis On Infinite Earths', the multiverse was annihilated and Earth was rebirthed. Supergirl, Black Lightening now exist on Earth-1, renamed Earth Prime, which merges the Arrowverse shows.

At the end of the Crisis, all the heroes assemble to pay tribute to Oliver Queen and this heralds a new beginning of the Arrowverse, the one which includes the Justice League. The Flash aka Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) assembled the Hall Of Justice, which has a round table with a star and shield logo at the center. The first official Justice League of the Arrowverse includes The Flash, Supergirl, Superman, Martian Manhunter, White Canary, Batwoman and Black Lightning.

Justice League was somewhat redeemed, and the new Hall Of Justice sparked a new beginning that led to more excitement for the next crossover, whenever it would happen. It laid the basis for the perfect follow-up and set the bar high for the next event. Needless to say, a live-action Justice League on television would really encourage the hype for the sequel, and we might have a new DC villain who has not been used yet. 

Nevertheless, with all the hype around the Snyder Cut, Snyder could just be making up for all the lost time.