John McAfee's wife Janice reveals SHOCKING details about his suicide note

John McAfee was found dead in the cell of his Spanish prison just hours after Spain's National Court approved his extradition to the United States on June 23, 2021. McAfee, 75, was the founder of an antivirus software company and was wanted for tax evasion in the US. His wife Janice has now released his apparent suicide note after almost a month of the tech mogul's death. Earlier, there were reports that McAfee left a suicide note in his pocket that he allegedly penned before killing himself, but his wife Janice refuted the reports and claimed that her husband wasn't suicidal. She also hinted that the letter might be fake.
Janice tweeted a picture of McAfee's suicide note, which was written in capital letters and filled with scribbles. In the letter, McAfee described himself as a "phantom parasite" and hinted that his future "does not exist". The latest development in the case surfaces just days after Janice claimed officials have "something to hide" and said she doesn't believe her husband killed himself. On July 7, she tweeted, "There has been no since (sic) of urgency from the various Spanish authorities involved in the investigation into John’s death and there is clearly cover up happening here concerning the events surrounding his death. We have not received the death certificate, the official autopsy report or the official report from the prison. I understand that things take time but the lack of cooperation from the Spanish authorities only confirms our suspicions that they have something to hide."
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Questioning the letter's legitimacy, which was less than one page long, Janice wrote, "Here is the alleged suicide note found in John’s pocket. This note does not sound anything like someone who has no hope and is contemplating ending their life. This note sounds like one of John's tweets. #NotASuicideNote #JusticeForJohnMcAfee."
Here is the alleged suicide note found in John’s pocket. This note does not sound anything like someone who has no hope and is contemplating ending their life. This note sounds like one of John's tweets. #NotASuicideNote #JusticeForJohnMcAfee
— Janice McAfee (@theemrsmcafee) July 13, 2021
On July 11, Janice revealed that she didn't see McAfee's body as his "entire body from the neck down was covered with a sheet & blanket". Her tweet read, "Some have asked if I have been able to see John's body. Well the answer to this is yes and no. I was able to view John’s head through a window at the facility where they are keeping him. His entire body from the neck down was covered with a sheet & blanket. #JusticeForJohnMcAfee."
Some have asked if I have been able to see John's body. Well the answer to this is yes and no. I was able to view John’s head through a window at the facility where they are keeping him. His entire body from the neck down was covered with a sheet & blanket. #JusticeForJohnMcAfee
— Janice McAfee (@theemrsmcafee) July 10, 2021
Earlier in the week, Janice claimed that the story of McAfee's suicide spread like a "malignant cancer" and tweeted, "John was a fighter and he had so much more fight left in him. He told me to be strong and not to worry, we would continue to fight all necessary appeals. His last words to me were I love you, I will call you in the evening but sadly that call never happened. The story of John's 'suicide' was already prepared and presented to the public before I or his attorneys were even notified of his death."
McAfee was arrested on October 3, 2020, at El Prat airport in Spain, as he was planning to flee the country to Turkey. He was wanted in the US on tax-related criminal charges that carried a prison sentence of up to 30 years. In a hearing held via video conferencing before his death, McAfee had claimed that the charges against him were 'politically motivated' and that he would spend the rest of his life in prison if he was to ever return to the US.