Joe Biden almost trips on Air Force One stairs but avoids falling, Internet says 'call for Chair Force One'

President Joe Biden was heading to promote his $2 trillion infrastructure plan when he yet again stumbled while climbing up the stairs of Air Force One on Wednesday, March 31. He was going for a trip to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The 78-year-old happened to narrowly avoid another fall on his way to the aircraft. Several videos of the president showed him holding an umbrella and a duffel bag as he climbed up the stairs of the plane. He missed a step and almost tripped but managed not to stumble and fall. This comes just weeks after the president made headlines and was mocked for tripping three times while climbing the steps ahead of a flight to Atlanta.
Watch a quick video uploaded on Twitter, "Did Biden stumble again? A slight bump in his step but no fall."
Did Biden stumble again? A slight bump in his step but no fall.
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) March 31, 2021
On Twitter, there are many who are once again laughing, mocking and taunting the president. However, his supporters are standing by him. "I do not care if Biden trips every time. I do not care if he needs a chair seat! I could care less if he sits in a lazy boy chair like a experienced elder & manages the great team he put in place! I voted for a experienced smart mature president! I do not need an athlete!" one tweeted.
I do not care if Biden trips every time. I do not care if he needs a chair seat!
— Joan (@joansths1) April 1, 2021
I could care less if he sits in a lazy boy chair like a experienced elder & manages the great team he put in place!
I voted for a experienced smart mature president! I do not need an athlete!
To those wh compared POTUS to his predecessor, his supporters said, "Fuck off Sean. There’s no fucking way your dear overweight leader could have ever walked up those steps carrying a briefcase and holding an umbrella." Another user said, "Bet he can close that umbrella!" while posting a short video of when former president Donald Trump used an umbrella to climb up the stairs of a plane but was unable to close it and left it outside.
Fuck off Sean. There’s no fucking way your dear overweight leader could have ever walked up those steps carrying a briefcase and holding an umbrella.
— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) April 1, 2021
Some, of course, trolled POTUS. One said, "Barefoot is the perfect solution for him." One said, "America is not a poor nation just yet. An escalator might help." Another said, "Somenoe call for Chair Force One." Another said, "Maybe now he needs a lift."
America is not a poor nation just yet. An escalator might help
— Ashley Vermaak (@VermaakAshley) April 1, 2021
On March 19, 2021, Biden had everybody talking about how he tripped twice and then fell over as he tried to jog up the stairs of the plane at Joint Base Andrews. At the time, explaining the situation and perhaps even to do some damage control, White House communications director Kate Bedingfield clarified that the president was not injured. "I know folks have seen that President Biden slipped on his way up the stairs to AF1, but I’m happy to report that he is just fine and did not even require any attention from the medical team who travels with him," she said.
That Biden is repeatedly attacked, called “unfit” for office by Republicans is not news. A recent Politico article quoted Senator Mike Lee (Republican-Utah) and Rep. Lauren Boebert (Republican-Colorado) talking about the still-new president. Lee said, "I of course have no medical training and can’t diagnose a condition — especially over someone I don’t personally interact daily — but from a distance I can see that he’s not doing well. Sad. And disturbing." On the other hand, Boebert tweeted after the March 19 incident, "President with cognitive decline is a national security risk. It's time to stop dancing around that."
A President with cognitive decline is a national security risk.
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) March 25, 2021
It’s time to stop dancing around that.#BidenPressConference