Biden asks Trump to cut golf trips and control Covid-19, Internet says 'go back into the basement'

With more than six million cases of Covid-19, the US has been reeling under a deadly health crisis but President Donald Trump seems too busy playing Golf as noted by rival candidate Joe Biden. Biden took to Twitter on September 5, saying. “Mr. President, enough with the weekend golf trips and erratic tweets. It's time for you to get to work and control the spread of this virus.”
Mr. President, enough with the weekend golf trips and erratic tweets. It's time for you to get to work and control the spread of this virus.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) September 5, 2020
He shared a video of Trump wearing a red cap and playing Golf in a sporty attire. He can be seen with several other men with Golf sticks and wearing Blue shirts and White caps. The video was initially shared by White House correspondent for NBC News Kelly O'Donnell captioned: “President Trump is playing golf today at his private club and Trump branded golf property in Virginia. @NBCNews video taken at significant distance.”
In the past few months, Biden has been slammed by Republicans for staying in “basement” instead of campaigning, which was voiced in Republican National Convention too. This comes after Biden has said in July that he will not hold presidential campaign rallies during the pandemic as per BBC news. However, since August, Biden has been campaigning in several regions like Pittsburgh, a Democratic hub in a pivotal swing state, as part of his election rally. Further, in August, Biden's presidential campaign and joint fundraising committees have raised a record-breaking $364.5 million as per CBS News.
After the golf video was out, Internet users attacked Trump over the surge in Covid-19 cases. With over 6,243,850 cases in the US and still increasing, Trump’s current video has rattled many on the Internet. However, some are also criticizing Biden too for hiding in the basement and not campaigning actively. A user lambasted Trump for playing gold with taxpayers' money. “Trump has golfed 389 days at the expense of taxpayers. He has enriched his businesses. He is grifter through and through. He’s made the presidency a for-profit enterprise.”
Trump has golfed 389 days at the expense of tax payers. He has enriched his businesses. He is grifter through and through. He’s made presidency a for-profit enterprise.
— Lulu (@upuouo) September 5, 2020
Some feel Trump does not care anymore about the crises. “He's done with COVID. Last couple of interviews he's basically at 'it is what it is', which he learned from reality TV shows...250k dead by Jan 1st? It is what it is. He's fully aware we are screwed. He doesn't care anymore.”
He's done with covid. Last couple of interviews he's basically at 'it is what it is', which he learned from reality TV shows...250k dead by Jan 1st? It is what it is. Hes fully aware we are screwed. He doesn't care anymore.
— Stephen irvan (@IrvanSteve) September 5, 2020
Another concurred, “Almost 192K Covid-19 deaths since March. Children & teachers are not guinea pigs for a political agenda.If Trump had actually done his job & taken the pandemic seriously, our schools would be a helluva lot safer.The GOP is 100% Pro-Birth. To hell with life after.”
Almost 192K Covid-19 deaths since March.
— Andrew Goss 👊USAF👊 (@Goss30Goss) September 6, 2020
Children & teachers are not guinea pigs for a political agenda.
If Trump had actually done his job & taken the pandemic seriously, our schools would be a helluva lot safer.
The GOP is 100% Pro-Birth. To hell with life after.
However, one user said Biden is too scared of the pandemic. “When was the last time Joe Biden wrote his own Tweet?? I’d take seeing Biden playing golf rather than sitting in his basement too scared to go in public until he seen his polls drop. But even then he won’t stray too far. When was the last time you crossed the Mississippi River Joe?”
When was the last time Joe Biden wrote his own Tweet??
— DV8ing (@Jason38857239) September 6, 2020
I’d take seeing @JoeBiden playing golf than sittin in his basement too scared to go in public until he seen his polls drop. But even then he won’t stray too far
When was the last time you crossed the Mississippi River Joe?
Another in support of Trump and against Biden wrote, “Bahahaha he golfs, with all the stress he is under he needs an outlet. He also works for free and donates his salary. Go back into the basement.”
Bahahaha he golfs, with all the stress he is under he needs an outlet. He also works for free and donates his salary. Go back into the basement
— Lee ❤️🇺🇸💙 (@Leerose1985) September 5, 2020
Some users wrote that Biden never criticized Barack Obama. “I may be wrong, but I don’t recall you condemning Obama’s golf trips during the financial crisis, or while we were in active shooting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, etc?”
I may be wrong, but I don’t recall you condemning Obama’s golf trips during the financial crisis, or while we were in active shooting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, etc?
— Tony Byergo (@TonyByergo) September 5, 2020