JK Rowling hilariously schools Donald Trump after he boasts about his writing abilities

President Donald Trump feels proud of all the books that he has written and on Tuesday (July 3) he took to Twitter to boast about his writing skills. "After having written many best selling books, and somewhat priding myself on my ability to write, it should be noted that the Fake News constantly likes to pour over my tweets looking for a mistake. I capitalize certain words only for emphasis, not b/c they should be capitalized!" he wrote.

While he was criticizing the media for how they examine all his tweets, Trump did not realize that he had already made a spelling mistake in the same tweet where he boasted about his writing abilities. In the tweet, he wrote that media likes to "pour over" his tweets but the correct usage would be "pore over", which means to read or study attentively. While Trump might have missed the mistake, best selling author, JK Rowling did not.
Just when you thought that she would be done laughing, we get to know that it was just the beginning. In yet another tweet Rowling proved that Trump's tweet had sent her into a laughing mode and she is unstoppable!
At the same time, there were others who could not look away from the mistake that Trump had made. "The flag is flying at half-staff at WH after deaths of reporters and Trump is tweeting about "fake news," wrote one, while another wrote, "Having a very low IQ, Trump doesn’t understand that when a ghostwriter writes your book, as was done with “The Art Of the Deal,” it means you didn’t write it yourself. There is no evidence that Trump, who doesn’t read anything without big pictures, can write."
However, this is not the first time that Rowling has gone after Trump. For instance, she once tweeted about how she is not afraid to speak her mind even if it is about the president himself. "Well, there you have it. A highly intelligent, experienced woman just debated a giant orange Twitter egg. Your move, America. #debate," she wrote. She also spoke about his way of taking actions as she tweeted, "Trump says 'just words, folks.' It's his accusation and his defense. Words don't matter. Facts don't matter. If they don't, we're all lost." Looks like she will never get tired of going after him.