JJ Abrams: Birthday wishes pour in for director while 'Star Wars' fans slam him for 'ruining' franchise

Happy Birthday, JJ Abrams! The filmmaker, known for 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens', 'Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker', 'Star Trek (2009)' and other films, turns 54 on June 27. Abrams will begin working on content for HBO Max, along with an adaptation of DC comics characters from 'Justice League Dark Universe and Overlook', as well an intriguing horror-thriller series, inspired by iconic characters from Stephen King's book 'The Shining' and an original series called ' Duster'.
The filmmaker's fans took to Twitter and flooded him with wishes. A debate began to brew as many accused him for running the 'Star Wars' films into the ground, while others defended his films. "Happy Birthday 54th birthday to JJ Abrams! The force brought you to Star Wars and we're all forever grateful to you for everything you've done and can't wait to see the next film you do!" a fan tweeted.
"@jjabrams Happy Birthday and thank you for two awesome Star Wars films!" another wrote.
"Happy Birthday @jjabramsthanks for your Star Wars Movies ( and everything else but especially the SW Sequels and double thanks for #TheForceAwakens my favourite SW Movie," a fan wrote.
"Happy birthday @jjabrams and thank you for bringing Star Wars back to the big screen. Whatever ppl’s opinions are, you did it with love, too & that’s good in my book. Also, thank you for this, the greatest moment of my life," a fan wrote.
"Think so to, everyone who says Disney ruined Star Wars, you aren’t true Star Wars fans because @jjabrams made two of the best Star Wars movies. #Thesequelsaregood," a fan tweeted.
However, others weren't as cheery, and slammed him for 'ruining' the sequel trilogy. "@jjabrams You ruined the sequel trilogy. 9 was god awful. You really should be ashamed. Your story that YOU wanted to tell blew! Thanks for fucking up Star Wars. Tool," another tweeted.
"Happy B-day, but please never make another Star Wars movie or a DC movie," another wrote.
"To the guy who ruined Star Trek and Star Wars," a fan wrote.
"JJ Abrams should never be allowed to make any film or media ever again after Rise of the Skywalker. Imagine what a 9th Star Wars film which respected and logically followed on from The Last Jedi?" a fan wrote.
Well, nothing says happy birthday like spitting fire on someone, does it?