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Jill Duggar poses with husband Derick Dillard on book cover, ‘Counting On’ fans ask why he looks ‘more important’ than her

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard wrote the memoir to talk about their experience in an ultra-conservative family
UPDATED JUL 18, 2023
Jill Duggar Dillard's memoir, co-authored by husband Derick Dillard will be out on September 12 (@derickdillard/Instagram)
Jill Duggar Dillard's memoir, co-authored by husband Derick Dillard will be out on September 12 (@derickdillard/Instagram)

SILOAM SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: In her latest book, Jill Duggar Dillard is ready to tell her truth. She recently turned to Instagram to post behind-the-scenes from the photo shoot for her book cover, leaving people wondering why the photograph highlights her husband, Derick Dillard, even though the book is about her.

The 'Counting On' star said in May that she and her husband Derick want to write a new book called 'Counting the Cost', which claims to disclose "the unedited truth about the Duggars" made famous by TLC's '19 Kids and Counting', according to the description given on the publisher's website. 'Counting the Cost' will look into the "red flags" Duggar saw in her conservative independent Christian Baptist background after marrying Derick in 2014. The book, according to the pair, "is meant to reflect a story that has been difficult, yet hopeful." "Time, tears, truth, and therapy" helped the parents of three heal from "our painful journey as part of the reality-show-filming Duggar family."

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A post shared by Jill (Duggar) Dillard (@jillmdillard)


'BTS of our book cover shoot day'

On July 13, Jill took to Instagram to share, "BTS of our book cover shoot day!" In the caption, she further added, "@christopherpatey was so great to work around our toy scattered livingroom & I was so glad my friend @michellegamboahair got to be there for support, as well as all things hair & makeup! My book, COUNTING THE COST will be out in the world September 12th! You can PRE-ORDER the regular and autographed versions NOW at the links in my stories & bio! "

Jill Duggar's fans have long hoped for a tell-all memoir from Jill, who has openly disassociated herself from her ultra-conservative family. Their wish is now becoming a reality. Jill posted on Instagram a few days before the release of Prime Video's docuseries 'Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets' to announce that she'd written a memoir. People will have to wait several months to hear what she has to say.

'Counting the Cost' will be released on September 12, 2023, with a hardback price of $28.99 and an ebook price of $14.99. It is currently available for pre-order and is already a bestseller on Amazon in the Religious Cults and Memoirs categories. Jill confirmed on Instagram that there would be an audiobook version as well. 'Counting the Cost' will be published by Gallery Books, a Simon & Schuster subsidiary. Jill is the principal author, along with co-author Derick as well as Craig Borlase. Borlase is a ghostwriter who's previously worked on the New York Times bestsellers, 'Finding Gobi' and 'My Name Is Tani'.

'Weird because Jill is starting to look like her husband?'

Reacting to the BTS pictures, users quickly questioned, "This is your book and your story, why your husband is on the cover and looks more important than you?" Another user asked, "Why is he looking directly athe t camera like he's more important?" Another also asked, "Who us she donating the proceeds to." Some complained, "She needs to be completely honest about her past . There is a lot she’s not saying and it’s annoying . If you’re gonna tell all . Them tell all . Both her and jinger sweep a lot of stuff under the rug. Speak up."

One user also wondered, "What does it have to read that Jingers didn’t?" Another person said, "Smile! You look mad…" One user quipped, "I hope the word LIKE isn’t in each sentence 4 times." Another user noted, "Weird because Jill is starting to look like her husband?"