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'Motherland: Fort Salem': Jessica Sutton says Tally's shift from innocence to wisdom was her biggest change

The actor said the final scene left her 'raw', besides explaining how she balanced the disillusionment Tally goes through with her optimism
Jessica Sutton as Tally Craven (Freeform)
Jessica Sutton as Tally Craven (Freeform)

Spoilers for 'Motherland: Fort Salem' Season 1 Episode 10 'Witchbomb'

'Motherland: Fort Salem' ended its first season with a powerfully emotional finale that saw the Bellweather unit separated and changed forever. The cast of the series answered fan questions both before and after the show on Tumblr. Jessica Sutton, who plays Tally Craven, talked about Tally's journey and what performing that final scene was like.

Answering a fan question in regards to what changes Tally has been through, both in the episode and through her time in the military, Sutton said, "I think the biggest change was the shift from innocence to wisdom and I read a beautiful quote that says that wisdom is innocence grown up."

She described the journey that Tally goes through. "Knowing where Tally starts, which is this shiny, living exclamation mark, so innocent, so ignorant, so naive, and romantic, and idealistic, you just know that life is going to teach her some lessons." She said there's always a temptation for someone to lose hope and become a cynic. "For me, that was the change, that Tally was either going to become the cynic or she was somehow going to learn to survive and adapt, keeping her most beautiful part, her trust, her hope, her heart, while being open to seeing the world in all its greenness," she said. Sutton added that Tally would have to learn to come to terms with all she learns.

She talked about how Episode 10 was the most memorable of the episodes she shot. "I just don't ever think I've ever been that raw before, in my life," she said. She said the scene towards the end, where the Bellweather unit is split up, was especially emotional for her to shoot. "I remember going, this is the moment of total surrender, and letting go of everything," she said. "That's the moment where you just have to give it your all, and I guess, in a dramatic sense, die into the moment.  

You can find the rest of the cast's answers to fan questions here.

'Motherland: Fort Salem' has been renewed for Season 2, though no release date has been set, yet.