'Jersey Shore': Mike 'The Situation' Sorrentino says prison life helped him go from 'big daddy' to 'buff daddy'

Mike 'The Situation' Sorrentino was put behind bars for eight months when he was found guilty of tax evasion but the reality star is finally back. Mike reunited with his 'Jersey Shore' family but one could not help but notice how he had lost weight and gone back to the old Mike that people had seen back in 2009.
Sitting down with his 'Jersey Shore' boys, Mike decided to open up about his prison life and how he had lost weight. He revealed that he had first started by just walking around. However, his co-stars found it hard to believe that he managed to build muscles just by walking around.
Ronnie Ortiz-Magro joked about the statement, saying he walks a lot too but never gained muscles as Mike had. It is then that Mike revealed he used to work out three times a day and as time went by, he started working out efficiently and slowly he started getting back into shape.
Hearing this Vinny Guadagnino admitted that he thought Mike would come out and eat everything but was pleased to see that he was controlling himself and went from 'big daddy' to 'buff daddy'. However, Mike admitted that before he went to the prison he ordered the entire menu because he knew he would not be getting good food for a long time.
He revealed that he still does that but only on a Sunday. Mike also dished a few details on his prison food. Mike revealed that one has to be likable to get good food in the prison and the chances of getting fresh vegetables are close to none.
Mike also revealed that before he entered the prison most of the people there knew that he would be coming and he had a couple of guys lined up there to meet him. He admitted that going to the prison had helped him face his demons and come out as a better man.
'Jersey Shore' airs on Thursdays at 8 pm ET on MTV.