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Jerry Springer's 'Final Thought' goes viral as Internet hails iconic talk show host amid his death at 79

'The Jerry Springer Show' was renowned for its twisted drama, physical altercations, and the ironic chants of 'Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!'
UPDATED APR 28, 2023
Jerry Springer died of pancreatic cancer at age 79 on April 27 (The Jerry Springer Show/YouTube)
Jerry Springer died of pancreatic cancer at age 79 on April 27 (The Jerry Springer Show/YouTube)

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS: In the wake of the TV icon's death, many fans have been sharing their most cherished moments from his legendary daytime talk show 'The Jerry Springer Show' which was both notorious and beloved and ran for nearly three decades. One such clip that stands out is when Jerry Springer was delivering the final thought that allegedly brought him to tears, during the show's 25th anniversary special. 

Springer, also a former mayor of Cincinnati, died after a short battle with pancreatic cancer at age 79 on Thursday, April 27. Jene Galvin, the family spokesperson said, "He’s irreplaceable and his loss hurts immensely, but memories of his intellect, heart, and humor will live on."


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TV host Jerry Spirnger arrives to BritWeek 2012's
 TV host Jerry Springer arrives at BritWeek 2012's "Evening with Piers Morgan" on May 4, 2012, in Beverly Hills, California. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images)

'Jerry Springer's final thought that brought him to tears'

The controversial legendary show ran for 27 years from 1991 to 2018, and aired nearly 5,000 episodes. 'The Jerry Springer Show' was renowned for its twisted drama, physical altercations, and the ironic chants of "Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!" The ecstatic segment from the 25th-anniversary special of the show, featuring the politician-turned-TV personality, has stirred a mix of emotions among viewers, feeling both saddened and uplifted as he discussed the true blessing of life. 


Springer claimed, “What I’ve learned over our quarter century of shows is that deep down we are all alike…" struggling to hold back tears he asserts, "We all want to be happy, we cry when we’re hurt, we’re angry when we’ve been mistreated, and to be liked, accepted, and respected, not to mention loved, is the greatest gift of all. Yes, we’re all alike.” He then concludes with his fitting final message to remember him, "take care of yourself and each other."

'May his memory be a forever blessing!'

The death of the famed talk show host struck great sorrow among his fans. One user wrote, "Worked in same building as him for 5 years and can tell you he was the nicest guy. Was weird to walk in to elevator and be like, oh hey Jerry…. He was the king." Another referred to the iconic clip and said, "Oh bless him. I'll never forget watching his Who Do You Think You Are episode. Broke my heart to see what his family went through." A third added, "This is very sad! Sir Jerry Springer really brightened many homes with laughter. May his soul find rest, and my condolences to the entire family, friends and fans. We shall miss you! Rest on." A user claimed, "The final thoughts were my favorite moments. He meant every word and was genuine." "Take care of yourself and each other," said a user referring to his famous farewell segment. "How many night as a kid did I stay up watching this show RIP Mr. Springer," read a tweet. "A great man! May his memory be a forever blessing," tweeted another.








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