Why the friendship between Jennifer Aniston and Selena Gomez is one of a kind

Selena Gomez and Jennifer Aniston come from two different places but there are numerous things that keep their friendship together. Starting their friendship over pure admiration, the relationship between the two actresses has grown over the years. Their private lives has been constantly in the spotlight and from every celebration to heartbreak, the two seemed to share a lot.
Along with having a career that ties them together, Jennifer and Selena also share the same love for WE Day California, an annual gathering honoring youth, families and educators who are making a difference, be it in their own communities or globally. They were joined by several other celebrities such as Will Ferrell, Anthony Anderson, Morgan Freeman, Martin Sheen and John Stamos on April 19.
"It's a joyful thing to celebrate when people come together and want to help and make an impact on the world," Selena said in an interview on the way into the Unilever and Allstate Foundation-sponsored event. "To me, I feel like that's so fun and exciting."
If you notice, the two have been part of important causes in the recent past. Recently, Selena was part of March for Our Lives rally in Los Angeles and voiced her opinion with regard to gun reforms. She posted several photos on her Instagram and captioned the pictures as "I don't want this to just be an Instagram post anymore. PLEASE. ENOUGH. These people, families, and CHILDREN have suffered enough. Today we march for our lives. I'm going to continue to trust God with the future and also play my part in bringing change. #marchforourlives #notjustahashtag."
At the same time, Jennifer also introduced Jaclyn Corin and Cameron Kasky from Parkland to the stage and spoke about how the youth were voicing their views on gun reforms and it was important that their voices do not go unheard.
"Your generation is demanding change and I thank you for that. I want to thank all of you for your power and strength and perseverance. You all have a voice and your voices matter. Keep talking," she said.
If one were to see how the two women came to be so closely linked to each other, you'd have to start with the singer. Selena always held Jennifer in high regard and values the work she had done over the years, safe to say, Selena is a huge fan. One could say she was the fan who you would love to interact with because they would know everything about you. Selena once opened up about she felt when she first saw Jennifer. Talking to Just Jared, she reflected back at the time when she saw Jennifer at the Women in Film 2009 Crystal and Lucy Awards.
"I was shaking! I ran into Jennifer in the bathroom and she goes, 'Hi!' My legs started to shake and I ran. I didn't know what to do because I freaked out," she said in the interview. "I always say that I worship Rachel McAdams as a movie actress but for comedy—the whole reason I started my show and mannerisms, they were after Jennifer Aniston. It was so funny, they were playing clip reels of the work she's done and I quoted the whole thing. Every single thing she'd say, I would say it. People were sitting there laughing at me and they're like, 'Wow, you're obsessed.'"
It is unclear if this incident was the start of their long friendship but this sure was the time when Selena realized how loyal and genuine Jennifer was in person. Back in 2015, both of them worked together for 2015 documentary Unity and even took to her Instagram to share how big of a fan she is.
"I have not only been following her career as a fan since I was 8 and now get to watch her completely transform in her new movie Cake, I have gotten to have real conversations with such a real heart, made my entire year. #cake #goseeit," Selena captioned the picture with the pair had taken in 2014. Just like Selena, even Jennifer has not shied away from talking about the friendship that they have shared.
Talking to E! Jennifer revealed that both of them have the same manager. "She's just like a little cherub that I feel like I wanna take care of. And we've just met through our manager. She's been extremely supportive and wonderful." In 2015, there was also speculation that the layered haircut that Selena had shown off was in fact inspired by Jennifer's famous character 'Rachel'.
At the same time, in an interview with InStyle, she had mentioned how she feels the most confident is "surprisingly, like a nice, little black dress—just a simple, Jen Aniston-type of dress." In another Radio Interview, Selena had mentioned how she thought Jennifer was "amazing" and added that it was their manager who had been the reason both of them could come together and become good friends.
"So it was kind of like a friendly meeting and instantly she's, like, inviting me to her house. She has a pizza oven. Like, we've made pizzas at her house," she said at that time. For all those who still think what do these two celebrities have in common? Well, the answer is a simple one- A Lot and Selena accepts that as well. "She's very cool and very sweet," Selena continued. "She kind of gives me a lot of, like, maternal advice."
Even though both of them are now living their own lives and working on life after failed relationships, there is no doubt that no matter what there may be, they are going to be there for one another. It sure is a friendship that makes many jealous.