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Jemele Hill’s claim ‘Black men just want better access to patriarchy’ met with sarcasm as #BlameBlackMen trends

After the host of the 'Jemele Hill is Unbothered' podcast posted a tweet that claimed Black men are more interested in gaining access to patriarchy than in dismantling it, people online got #BlameBlackMen to trend with satire
Jemele Hill (Getty Images)
Jemele Hill (Getty Images)

#BlameBlackMen began trending hours after podcast host Jemele Hill tweeted her opinion about what Black men really want. She stated in her tweet, "I have increasingly found that many black men just want better access to patriarchy. They don’t actually want it dismantled." This angered many on social media, who used satire to troll Hill with the argument of how the solution to everything in today's day and age is to #BlameBlackMen. The responses of the people have not lacked entertainment.


Take for instance this response where a user tweeted, "Y’all remember the crusaders? You know, the ones who raided, murdered, and pillaged in the name of Christ? They were Black Men as well Man ... #BlameBlackMen." The user also shared a picture to support their point. Another user wrote, "Adolf Hitler was actually 45% Nigerian and was responsible for the death of 6 million Jews #BlameBlackMen." Another user referenced Naruto and wrote, "Black men are the reason Naruto is going to die #BlameBlackMen."




On a serious note, Hill's tweet also invited detractors of Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden to comment on how the 1994 Crime Bill was also Black men's fault. This user tweeted, "Black men created the 1994 crime bill #BlameBlackMen." Hill's comment has left social media users seething because Hill seemingly seeks to hold Black men responsible for patriarchy just as their White counterparts at a time when it is important to acknowledge how systemic oppression and racial injustice had led to unfair treatment of a section of the population. 


Another string of sarcastic comments included, "F**k it. Black men sunk the Titanic. It’s #BlameBlackMen season!" To this, another user added, "Just found out that Black Men, not an asteroid, got rid of the dinosaurs too. Sh*ts crazy #BlameBlackMen." Another fan explained, "Black men were really in cahoots with Reagan and the CIA and started the war on drugs #blameblackmen."




The 1994 Crime Bill signed by Congress and by President Bill Clinton was originally intended to reverse decades of rising crime. However, this bill ended up hurting Black and Brown Americans more than their White counterparts, as they are disproportionately more likely to be incarcerated. In an attempt to bring the crime rate that skyrocketed due to the crack-cocaine epidemic down, the bill was passed by democrats including Bernie Sanders. Biden oversaw the Senate Judiciary Committee.