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Jeffrey Epstein lured young women and forced them into sex acts even when he was serving jail time, alleges lawyer

Attorney Brad Edwards, who represents Epstein accuser Courtney Wild and several other alleged victims, claims that during Epstein's 13-month jail sentence he had 'improper sexual contact' with young women
UPDATED JUL 18, 2019

New secrets have come to light in the renewed crusade against convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. He was arrested on July 6 and charged with sex trafficking charges this time around after escaping with just a slap on the wrist almost a decade ago for his crimes in Florida.

He was given an extremely light non-prosecution deal, coined as the "sweetheart plea deal" at the time that allowed him to have work leaves during his jail time, which meant that he could essentially come and go as he pleased. 


According to recent reports, Epstein saw young women in his office in Palm Beach even when he was serving time. Miami Herald reporter Julie Brown, whose investigation revealed the role of Alexander Acosta, former Labor Secretary, as the broker of Epstein's plea deal first revealed this in an interview with Alec Baldwin on his podcast 'Here's the Thing'.

According to Brown, Epstein was free once he was in his office. The officer assigned to keep an eye on him during the work release timings said that he and other deputies were outside his office during the time. Along with clients and friends, there were also young women who would come to see him. The visitor's log that kept an account of all these had mysteriously disappeared when Brown had asked for it.

Jeffrey Epstein with Donald Trump at the Mar-a-Lago estate, Palm Beach, Florida, in 1997. (Photo by Davidoff Studios/Getty Images)

Attorney Brad Edwards, who represents Epstein accuser Courtney Wild and several other alleged victims, claims that during Epstein's 13-month jail sentence he had "improper sexual contact" with young women. In a press conference on Tuesday, July 16, he said that he had lured women into his office with false claims and then had made them do sex acts.

"Most of the time was spent in an office, a private office that was adjacent to his lawyer's office all day every day," Edwards said. "And what you're going to learn is that he was not sitting there conducting some scientific research for the betterment of the community, he was having office visitors, some who were flown to him from New York and continuing to engage in similar conduct, literally while he was in jail."  He refused to identify the women. 
He said that while none of the women were under 18 years of age, they were under the age of 21. Edwards also said that the log that Brown had mentioned in the podcast disappeared after a six-figure donation to the Sheriff's Office over the course of the incarceration.


Brown also alleged that they received overtime pay for their work — six days a week, for 12 hours each day. Some part of the payments were done by the Florida Science Foundation, a company that was run by Epstein. FSF made donations totaling $128,136 to the PBCSO, according to records obtained by Contact 5. He was being held at Palm Beach County Jail during the time, in his own private wing. 

Epstein, who was once called "a terrific guy" by President Donald Trump and now says he is "not a fan" has been charged with sex trafficking this time around.