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James Comer completely losing it as Jared Moskowitz flips the script on him has Internet in splits

Republican James Comer called Democrat Jared Moskowitz as a 'smurf', a little, blue humanoid, during a heated exchange amid the House Oversight Committee meeting
Democratic Representative Jared Moskowitz (L) accused Chairman James Comer of being hypocritical (Congressman Jared Moskowitz, Congressman James Comer/Facebook)
Democratic Representative Jared Moskowitz (L) accused Chairman James Comer of being hypocritical (Congressman Jared Moskowitz, Congressman James Comer/Facebook)

WASHINGTON, DC: A foul verbal exchange took place during Tuesday's (November 14) House Oversight Committee meeting, with Republican James Comer (R-KY) going so far as to refer to Democrat Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) as a "smurf", a little, blue humanoid.

The insults began to fly during his ongoing inquiry into the Biden family's finances as Moskowitz accused Oversight Chairman Comer of deceit for having examined a $200,000 "loan repayment" check that James Biden handed to his brother Joe Biden.


Jared Moskowitz accused James Comer of 'manipulating' and 'evading taxes'

Moskowitz brought up a loan that President Biden made to his brother during a hearing on supervision of the US General Services Administration (GSA).

The committee has been investigating this transaction as part of its investigation into Biden's family finances.

According to him, Comer had "gone on Fox News and told people that, while the president was out of office, he had a loan with his brother, and in a way, they were evading taxes," per The Hill.

According to Comer, who is in charge of the president's impeachment investigation, Joe was aware of and involved in his family's transactions as evidenced by this personal check as well as a $40,000 one.

In reference to a recent Daily Beast piece, Moskowitz claimed that Comer might have lent $200,000 to his own brother, accusing the chairman of "manipulating" public opinion in the United States to suggest that Joe did something wrong when in fact he did the same.

The Florida Democrat was alluding to the exclusive article that said Comer and his brother had engaged in some dubious land exchanges.

Also, Comer had sent "extra money" to his brother through a shell business in exchange for $218,000 for a property they had inherited from their father.


James Comer calls Jared Moskowitz 'smurf'

Comer retorted, saying he would "love" to have the opportunity to address the report, and declared, "That's completely false," during Tuesday's hearing.

Comer explained, "I’ve never loaned my brother one penny. My father, who was a dentist, had some farmland. He died and my brother couldn’t afford it. He wanted to sell it but he wanted to keep it in the family. So I bought it from my brother."

"Only dumb financially illiterate people picked it up," he remarked, referring to the Daily Beast article.

Comer went on, "That story you tweeted too also said I had a shell company - that's bull***."


Comer continued as Moskowitz attempted to recover his time. The Kentucky Representative sniped, "You look like Smurf here, going around and all this stuff… You continue to spew disinformation," apparently referring to Moskowitz's blue suit and tie.

Back in the House, Moskowitz criticized the chairman, saying, "Your word means nothing Mr. Chairman ... perhaps you should sit maybe for a deposition."

Comer shot back, "You've already been proven a liar before." He extended an invitation to the Democrat to visit his Kentucky district so he could survey the land, as per Daily Mail.

Moskowitz delivered the final blow some hours later when he invoked the Smurf universe's fictitious antagonist in a tweet. He wrote, "Gargamel was very angry today."


Internet in frenzy as James Comer has fits over Jared Moskowitz's accusations

Meanwhile, American journalist and social media personality Ed Krassenstein shared a clip of the heated exchange between Comer and Moskowitz on X (formerly Twitter) that has left Internet users in splits.

Krassenstein wrote, "Wow! Republican Congressman James Comer completely lost it when Rep. Moskowitz pointed out that he, like Joe Biden, sent his own brother $200K."

"I guess it’s only wrong when a Democrat does it? You see James Comer, it’s not fun when people try and jump to ridiculous conclusions based on something that otherwise would be a completely legal act," he further added in the tweet.


Following Krassenstein's post, online users flocked to the comments section to make light of the heated exchange between the two political figures.

One X user wrote, "His only comeback was to call his opponent a smurf lol."

A second one added, "It’s interesting, when the “veil” is pulled back, suddenly everyone’s “skeletons” are fair game. Precedent is being set, and I’m all for it!!"

"They're all self-serving hypocrites. The notion that either side is somehow 'better' than the other side is total nonsense," noted another one.

One more snarked, "Coomer was visibly shaken by having his family criminal enterprise exposed."

Another X user typed, "He certainly doesn’t want Moskowitz to be heard, that’s for sure! What a complete shadester this guy is. Comer is getting a little dose of his own medicine."

"He knows he’s a hypocrite and he also called ol boy a Smurf," chimed in another one.