Jack Harlow is white? Rapper trends on Twitter after fans find out he is not black

Rapper Jack Harlow began trending on Twitter after fans began expressing their shock and surprise when they found out that the rapper was white. The 'What's Poppin' singer rose to fame for his impressive bars and smooth flow, which led many people to believe that the 22-year-old rapper might be black.
A user with the handle name Riodeji posted Harlow's 'What's Poppin' music video on Twitter and expressed his disbelief that a white rapper was behind such a masterpiece. Riodeji wrote, "Wait a white dude sang this song? Wth..." The tweet caught the eye of the rapper himself, who retweeted it. This soon sparked a discussion on Twitter, with several fans coming forward to say that even they assumed Harlow was black after hearing his verses.
A fan tweeted, "For the first 2 years of listening to Jack Harlow I thought he was Black. I’m glad I was not the only one." Another fan shared, "I always thought Jack Harlow was the whitest name for a black guy lol turns out he is white." Another said, "I did not know @jackharlow wasn’t black. I just knew he was from the ways he said 'yes ma’am' in What’s Poppin."
Many other fans began pointing out at the obvious signs in his songs which hinted at the rapper not being black. A fan tweeted, "You guys be thinking any white dude with little curls is and a good flow is black somehow, haha put some respect on my guy jack Harlow." Another joked, "Y’all really thought a guy named Jack Harlow was black? Bugged." Another surprised fan said, "Hold up did y’all actually not know Jack Harlow is white? What black person do you know that says 'just joshin'?' That shoulda been a dead giveaway." One more added, "I love how everyone is just finding out Jack Harlow is white and that’s why he’s trending." Another fan shared, "Wait so people are just now finding out Jack Harlow is white??"
Jack Harlow aka Jackman Thomas 'Jack' Harlow is a Kentucky-based rapper. The young artist began rapping at the age of 12 and released several YouTube videos and mixtapes of his raps. Despite catching the attention of several record labels, Harlow initially chose to go solo before eventually signing on to Generation Now and Atlantic Records.