Ivanka Trump is a 'living Barbie doll' and 'a valuable asset to the president', ex-White House aide says

Former White House aide under Trump administration, Cliff Sims, is the latest among the former staffers to write about his time there in his recently-released book Team of Vipers: My 500 Extraordinary Days in the Trump White House.
Among other intriguing things in the book, he revealed how the first daughter and Senior White House aide Ivanka Trump has gathered many detractors over the years ever since she waded into politics from business. Sims, however, is not one of them,
"The first time I met [Ivanka] in Trump Tower I was genuinely stunned by what appeared to be a living, breathing Barbie doll,” he wrote in his book, according to PEOPLE. "I distinctly remember thinking her face didn’t appear to have a single blemish — there was nothing being covered up by makeup,” Sims wrote. “While her critics claim she has a plastic vibe, I didn’t see her that way, though like anyone else, she could be scripted and find some topics and people more interesting than others.”