Jacob Blake says 'it hurts to breathe' in hospital video, Internet says 'the cop should be charged with murder'

Jacob Blake has released his first public statement after being shot in the back by a police officer in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on August 23, 2020, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down.
“I just want to say, man – a lot of young cats out there and even the older ones, older than me, it’s a lot more life to live out here man,” he said, clearly wincing from the pain of being shot seven times in the back from point-blank range by Kenosha police. “Your life, and not only just your life, your legs, something you need to move around and forward in life, can be taken from you like this man.”
He also described the pain he’s going through and asked that those fighting for racial justice and equality stick together and continue their fight, as he said, “And I promise you the type of s**t you go through, staples, I got staples in my back, staples in my damn stomach, you do not want to deal with this s**t man."
"24 hours, every 24 hours it’s pain, nothing but pain. It hurts to breathe, it hurts to sleep, it hurts to move from side-to-side, it hurts to eat. Please, I’m telling you, change your lives. Stick together, make some money, make everything easier for our people out there man because there’s so much time that’s been wasted," he added. The video was shared on social media by Blake's lawyer, Benjamin Crump, saying, "#JacobBlake released this powerful video message from his hospital bed today, reminding everyone just how precious life is. #JusticeForJacobBlake."
#JacobBlake released this powerful video message from his hospital bed today, reminding everyone just how precious life is. #JusticeForJacobBlake pic.twitter.com/87CYlgPDBj
— Ben Crump (@AttorneyCrump) September 6, 2020
As soon as Blake's public statement came in, people started reacting to it. One user said, "Hang in there and get better soon, Jacob. The whole world is pulling for you."
"I completely hold that cop 100% responsible for allowing Jacob to go around the car casual and opening the door. Why didn’t the cop tackle Jacob BEFORE he got to his car. The cop should be charged with MURDER!!! 7 times in the back!!! Unconscionable!!!," said a user.
Hang in there and get better soon, Jacob. The whole world is pulling for you.♥️
— Pamelita🌠👑⚜🌊💧🌊 (@PAngo329) September 6, 2020
I completely hold that cop 100% responsible for allowing Jacob to go around the car casual and opening the door.
— Justice for Jacob Blake!😔 (@DJ_BruceBanner) September 6, 2020
Why didn’t the cop tackle Jacob BEFORE he got to his car. The cop should be charged with MURDER!!! 7 times in the back!!! Unconscionable!!!😡😡😡
Another user said, "He cant mention the cop cuz im sure he is suing the s**t outta the dept. He might be sitting in pain now, but he'll be sittin pretty next year."
He cant mention the cop cuz im sure he is suing the shit outta the dept. He might be sitting in pain now, but he'll be sittin pretty next year.
— Kimee (@kimeezback007) September 6, 2020
Some said the police have 'double standards' when it comes to arresting Black men. "We see that how it plays when white man resists an arrest. The police handle it perfectly without shooting a single bullet. It is double standard how the police act toward black man and a white man," said a user.
We see that how it plays when white man resists an arrest. The police handle it perfectly without shooting a single bullet. It is double standard how the police act toward black man and a white man.
— Mussie Sibhatu 🇪🇷 (@Can_Do_People) September 6, 2020
Another one pointed out at the discrimination, saying, "My most memorable one was getting stopped one night while walking to work. Supposedly, someone fitting my description was seen leaving the scene of a robbery. Cop took one look at me and let me go. Why? Believe it or not,it was because of my skin color."
My most memorable one was getting stopped one night while walking to work.
— Colin (@cmd51375) September 6, 2020
Supposedly,someone fitting my description was seen leaving the scene of a robbery.
Cop took one look at me and let me go.
Believe it or not,it was because of my skin color.
And some said police should have 'handled it better,' "He was shot 7 times in the back close range with children in the car, maybe the few cops that were there, if trained better wouldn’t even let that situation happen. People see the resisting Jacob Blake did, I see cops that need training and needed to handle that situation better."
He was shot 7 times in the back close range with children in the car,maybe the few cops that were there, if trained better wouldn’t even let that situation happen. People see the resisting Jacob Blake did, I see cops that need training and needed to handle that situation better.
— jorge rodriguez (@jr_8723) September 6, 2020
Another Internet user said, "I'm trying to find the guilty verdict on this assault white people keep bringing up. I haven't seen it. How is it even possible they can convict him of a crime no jury no judge just phuck the due process guilty cuz im white he is black and I said so."
Im trying to find the guilty verdict on this assault white people keep bringing up. I haven't seen it. How is it even possible they can convict him of a crime no jury no judge just phuck the due process guilty cuz im white he is black and I said so.🤔.
— Randomn Thoughts (@RandomnThought2) September 6, 2020
Some angry users commented saying, "Tell Jacob Blake...I often think of him and CRY. There is NO EXCUSE for shooting, an unarmed man, 7 times in the back. His back is TURNED. Where is the THREAT?? Police are PAID to protect life. Let the COURTS issue justice for offenses. #KentuckyDerby #BreonnaTaylor@CNN @MSNBC"
Tell Jacob Blake...I often think of him and CRY.
— Jennifer Coleman (@jenniferclmn) September 6, 2020
There is NO EXCUSE for shooting, an unarmed man, 7 times in the back.
His back is TURNED.
Where is the THREAT??
Police are PAID to protect life.
Let the COURTS issue justice for offenses.#KentuckyDerby#BreonnaTaylor@CNN @MSNBC
On August 23, 2020, a video of Blake being shot seven times in the back by a cop went viral. In the video, Blake can be seen walking around a gray SUV, and later he opens the driver’s side door of the vehicle and leans to get inside when an officer grabs him by his T-shirt and shoots him from behind. Several officers have their weapons drawn. An officer can be heard screaming, “Drop the knife,” but it isn’t clear from the video if Mr. Blake is holding anything. The shooting spurred protests in Kenosha that have persisted but have become peaceful after some initial violence.
According to a Wall Street Journal report, the agency charged with the shooting said the officers attempted the arrest after they 'reported domestic incident.' After Kenosha Police Officer Rusten Sheskey unsuccessfully used a stun gun to try to stop Mr. Blake, a second officer, Vincent Arenas, used his stun gun as well on Mr. Blake. According to the department, Sheskey was the only officer who fired the weapon.