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'Is this an MSNBC debate?' Ex-Fox News host Megyn Kelly calls second GOP debate 'terrible'

Megyn Kelly who once moderated the Presidential Debates for Fox News wasn't entirely satisfied with the quality of questions of the second GOP Debate
Megyn Kelly slammed former employer Fox News for hosting an underwhelming GOP Debate (@MegynKelly/YouTube & FoxBusiness)
Megyn Kelly slammed former employer Fox News for hosting an underwhelming GOP Debate (@MegynKelly/YouTube & FoxBusiness)

SIMI VALLEY, CALIFORNIA: Former Fox News host Megyn Kelly reacted to the second GOP Presidential Debate in poor taste and compared it to the poor standards set by an MSNBC debate in the past.

Kelly took a jab at her formal rival network MSNBC as well as her former employer for not adhering to the basic qualitative benchmarks of a Presidential debate on Wednesday (September 27) night in Simi Valley, California.

The 52-year-old who has held the honor of hosting a debate in the past was fuming at her ex-employer for their poor choice of questions and bashed their unpreparedness on the night.

Furthermore, Kelly continuously tweeted about the debate, raising concerns about the banality of the answers from candidates to pointing out the problems with the venue.

Megyn Kelly said she's tapped into her company's name 'Devil May Care' to bring out the 'Red' background (@MegynKelly/YouTube)
Megyn Kelly was continuously tweeting about the second GOP Debate through her 'X' account (@MegynKelly/YouTube)

Megyn Kellys uses MSNBC’s name to mock the GOP Debate hosted by Fox Business

Kelly runs a podcast called ‘The Megyn Kelly Show’ where she hosts political commentators and public figures to talk about the trending news topics.

It was only expected her to react to the debate if she found something unworthy.

Just a few minutes into the debate, Kelly started tweeting rigorously and at the very first instant, pointed out all that was wrong with it.

She criticized the lighting at the venue, called Mike Pence weird, pointed out that Ron DeSantis was sweaty, and more importantly, asked Vivek Ramaswamy to get a haircut. 


However, the biggest concern was the poor quality of the questions.

Her tweet read, "The lighting is terrible. The Qs lack any charge which is why we are getting these boring answers. The Mike Pence sniffing is weird. Vivek needs a haircut. DeSantis looks sweaty. The “Donald Duck” line was lame. Certainly hope it gets better from here.”

Later Kelly took her mockery to the next level and unapologetically compared it to MSNBC, stating, “Is this an MSNBC debate?”

Her reaction to the GOP debate was met with the same enthusiasm. Fans and followers agreed with the Former Fox News host and later shared their furious reactions.

Ron DeSantis and Tim Scott started talking over each other while Vivek Ramaswamy tried his best to interject (FoxBusiness)
A few GOP candidates started talking over each leading to abject chaos on the debate (FoxBusiness)                     

Fans agree with Megyn Kelly’s reaction to the second GOP Debate

One fan tweeted, “It sure looks like it, the worst Fox panel and the worst questions. Such a waste of time!”

A second said, “They are definitely out of touch. I don’t view these “debates” the same anymore” while a third wrote, “I watched @TuckerCarlson instead. He had 

@BillOReilly on and it was great!”


Another said, “Worse. It’s Fox News. Pretending they aren’t MSDNC” while a fifth stated, "Wait, this is a debate? I thought this was a parody.”

A sixth commented, “Lol. Can't wait to hear your breakdown tomorrow.”