Is Jill Biden 'co-president'? FLOTUS cuts in during Joe Biden interview to call migrant children camps 'humane'

First Lady Jill Biden cut into the air time that President Joe Biden was given in an interview that addressed the controversial topic about the treatment of migrant children in camps. The FLOTUS appeared to defend the decision taken by her husband's administration and even correct him when he fumbled during his reply and soon enough, conservatives on Twitter branded Jill as "co-president".
During an interview with Univision on Friday, February 26, Biden was questioned about a child migrant detention center reopened by his administration that was once used by the Trump administration to handle a surge of thousands of child migrants illegally pouring over the border.
During the interview, the POTUS was asked by reporter Ilia Calderon about a Washington Post report on the children being placed in tents. That was when Biden reportedly started to fumble and was given a helping hand by Jill who was by his side during the interview.
“Well, what I can confirm is there’s over seventy th… right, right now there’s thousands of immigrants, uh, thousands of unaccompanied children coming across the border. We’ve been able to place a significant number of ’em in, in licensed facilities throughout the country..” Biden began to say, seemingly forgetting the term that the facilities were referred by. “Shelters," said Jill.
Biden seemed grateful for the prompt as he continued with his speech: “…shelters throughout the country. But what happened is in Texas they opened up one. One that was a former uh, one used in the, in the administration, the last administration. Our hope and expectation is that won’t stay open very long, that we’ll be able to provide for every kid who comes across the border safely to be housed in a facility that is licensed."
He continued, "And, and what we’re trying to do and we have literally hundreds of people doing now, connect then with families in this country. Get them to the families that they, that they came to see or they’re looking for. And we’ve already connected thousands of them that way. And so that’s what, that’s our, our hope is to unite these children with families while they wait to have a hearing."
Toward the end, Jill cut in, which was clearly unplanned as the camera quickly panned out from the president's face to focus on his wife instead. “And this administration is doing it in a humane way. And that’s really important. I mean we want to make sure that these children are safe, that they get mental health services, they get physical health services, they get education," she concluded.
A number of anti-Biden users were quick to criticize the way Jill cut into the interview. "Lots to unpack in this 1-minute clip from @UniNoticias: 1. Biden suggests he's merely reopening Trump's detention center 2. Co-president Jill Biden's cut-in," one of them said while another asked, "Is Jill Biden co-president?"
lots to unpack in this 1-minute clip from @UniNoticias:
— Jorge Bonilla (@BonillaJL) February 26, 2021
1. Biden suggests he's merely reopening Trump's detention center
2. Co-president Jill Biden's cut-in 👀👀👀👀
Is Jill Biden co-president?
— Brett From L.A. (@ItsBrettFromLA) February 27, 2021
A user noted, "Co-President Jill Biden Jumps In To Answer Controversial Question For Joe." A user added, "Co-President Jill Biden Jumps In To Help JoeSpeak." The next remarked, "Co-President Jill Biden! Hahahaha!" A commenter tweeted, "Jill will try to take his job, he can’t go on much longer... truly sad what she’s done, all for power...." One more said, "No one voted for Jill Biden, the fake doctor, to be a co-President. She has not been vetted nor challenged on her policy positions."
Co-President Jill Biden Jumps In To Answer Controversial Question For Joe
— MrWhiteLightning357 (@ASimplePatriot) February 27, 2021
Co-President Jill Biden Jumps In To Help JoeSpeak…
— Rose Wall #ORPUW (@Imadancer821) February 28, 2021
Jill will try to take his job, he can’t go on much longer... truly sad what she’s done, all for power....
— Katy (@Katy1927) February 28, 2021
Co-President Jill Biden Jumps In To Help Joe Speak... | Populist Press 2021 ©
No one voted for Jill Biden, the fake doctor, to be a co-President. She has not been vetted nor challenged on her policy positions.
— Richard P. Adams (@Rich_Adams1) February 27, 2021