Is Dorothy Wang still feuding with Deborah Hung? 'Bling Empire: New York' calls Mexican model 'auntie Zaborah'

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: The cold war is stirring up! Netflix just dropped the wealthy Asian-American-led show 'Bling Empire: New York,' which revolves majorly around the luxurious excess of these fashionistas' lifestyles. Well, along with the partying and enviable wardrobes comes the game of revenge. And, it seems pretty clear that the late appearance of Dorothy Wang at Deborah and Stephen Hung's 10-year anniversary party sparked a cold war between the two.
The show started with Deborah and Stepehn organizing a couture party. Dorothy coming late didn't seem to bother Deborah on the face of it but how could she not be upset? When told by one of the organizers that they should wait for Dorothy to start their speech, Deborah blatantly replied, "No, I don't think so. It is rude." She gave her anniversary speech without waiting for Dorothy to arrive. And that was not all. Deborah also indirectly hinted at being upset about some guests not being punctual. And, it seems that the slam game and cold war hasn't ended between the two 'Bling Empire: New York's stars.
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As soon as the show dropped, the cast members of 'Bling Empire: New York' posted promotional photos and videos on their social. If you take notice at Deborah and Dorothy's Instagram stories, they are not seen standing side by side or even pictured together in any of the photos. Both uploaded photos with all the core cast members of 'Bling Empire: New York' but none of them featured both feuding stars. This indeed hints that their relationship has soured.
In the recently released episode, we saw Lynn Ban bidding adieu at the couture party. Deborah appreciated Lynn coming to the party and said, "thank you for being punctual," indirectly hinting her disapproval of Dorothy's tardy behaviour. Deborah further claimed, "Next time we arrive two hours late to everything." Later in the personal interview, Deborah slammed Dorothy by saying that she does not even know who she is. She claimed, "Usually when you have a timing, you respect the timing." Deborah also left her party without saying goodbye to Dorothy.
Dorothy also didn't miss any chance to insult Deborah right back. She said in the show, "So interesting the host left without saying bye." She further called out Deborah by saying that her party was not fun and that not having any food to eat was "cheap." Dorothy claimed, "Was that even a party? There was no music, no food, no vibe." She called Debroah's party a "standing mixer," calling Stephen and Deborah as the "uncle and aunty" of the show.
Dorothy took to her social media to slam Deborah's party, asking her Instagram fans, "Have you guys ever been to an event from 7 to 10 and they made you dress up and there wasn't a morsel of food there?" She didn't take any names. But Deborah instantly understood that Dorothy was trying to slam her with her post. She instantly clapped back by posting the photo of the dinner she went to after." Deborah even captioned the post saying, "Some people complain when they are not even invited and arrived when the event finished."

Dorothy even humorously called Deborah "auntie Zaborah." Lynn thinks Dorothy was "snarky" by hinting that the party was boring. Well, it clearly seems that Dorothy has lost one of her friends and the social media posts hints that the relationship between the new stars will stay rocky for some time as neither look like they want to reconcile.
'Bling Empire: New York' is available to stream on Netflix.