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A beautifully observed rollercoaster ride, Anna Madeley on what to expect from Patrick Melrose

Anna Madeley talks to Meaww about her experience shooting 'Patrick Melrose,' what viewers can expect from the highly-anticipated show, and her plans for the future.
UPDATED JAN 16, 2020
Anna Madeley (R) (Getty Images)
Anna Madeley (R) (Getty Images)

Benedict Cumberbatch's 'Patrick Melrose' is set to premiere on May 12, with there being high expectations for the TV adaptation of Edward St Aubyn's semi-autobiographical pentalogy. The show will chronicle Melrose's life as he grows up in a highly dysfunctional upper-class English family and in line with the books, is expected to carry a stinging commentary on wealth, class, and the English public school system.

While Cumberbatch will portray the protagonist and is undoubtedly the main draw of the show, 'Patrick Melrose' is supported by a brilliant cast of actors, all of who will have an important role to play in ensuring that the tragic story is brought to life.

'Patrick Melrose' is set to premiere on May 12 (Source: IMDb)

Mary Melrose, who is Patrick's wife and serves as his crutch in his transformative journey that begins with a fight against alcohol and heroin addiction and sees him become a family man, is arguably the most important.

The talented Anna Madeley, who boasts of a wealth of experience from her time at the Royal Shakespeare Company and the National Theatre, as well as on Broadway, was cast in the role, and Meaww got the exclusive opportunity to talk to her and pick her brain.

The British actress, whose TV credits include roles in 'Mr. Selfridge,' 'The Crown,' 'Silent Witness,' 'Utopia,' and 'Secret State,' was happy to answer our questions and we got a sneak peek into what it's like behind the scenes at 'Patrick Melrose,' her experiences in shooting the show, and of her plans for the future.

Anna Madeley will be portraying Patrick's wife, Mary (Source: Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images)

1. To many, the Patrick Melrose series is one of the literary masterpieces of the 21st century and there are high hopes for the TV adaptation. If you don't mind us asking, how was the casting process and how excited were you to play the role of the protagonist's wife, Mary?

Being asked to play Mary was incredibly exciting. I wasn’t familiar with the books prior to reading the scripts and once I started reading I really couldn’t stop. They illustrate a part of society we are exposed to a lot but through a lens rarely used. I had never read anything quite like it. Patrick’s journey takes us on such a roller coaster of emotions, hysterical highs and the darkest of lows. His story cuts through the class system and engages you with a universal tale of a young person doing their best to overcome some of the most hideous treatment a child could suffer.

Patrick is an extraordinary person. So, when I was asked to look at Mary I was intrigued by what drew her to Patrick. Mary is a complicated being herself. She lost her father young and was neglected by her mother and out of that made some strong decisions about how to live. The meeting of these two characters felt like it could turn the journey into an optimistic one for both of them, however bumpy the road.

Nina Gold was casting and her loyalty and wisdom always spur you on and I’d been fortunate to work with Benedict C earlier in the year on “The Child in Time” so I was thrilled to have the opportunity again. 

2. Walk us through some of the processes you went through in preparation for the role.

A lot of the preparation was in reading the material. The novels carry so much intricate detail in them. It felt important to glean as much information as possible because we meet Mary when she is ten years into her marriage to Patrick. So there was ten years of relationship to consider before we reach the point where we meet them together on screen. 

3. If you had to pick out a performance to look out for in the show, besides yours and Patrick's that is, whose would it be?

I think there are a feast of great performances to look out for. There are so many rich, nuanced and bold characters bumping up against each other!

4. You've appeared in so many stage productions and TV films in the past, but how was the experience shooting for Patrick Melrose? Was it different to how you expected it to be?

On day one we shot the end of the whole show. And then five months later we were doing the scenes just before that. We always shoot out of sequence but the emotional journey of this story took a lot of thought to navigate. We were also supported so much by the locations we filmed in. Not only is it a real treat to be filming in Provence but the Chateau gave the perfect backdrop to the story we were telling. A place and home of outstanding beauty crossing paths with the huge loneliness and misery of Patrick’s early years. 

5. What can the viewers expect from the highly-anticipated show?

A beautifully observed rollercoaster ride.

Anna says viewers can expect a 'rollercoaster ride' from the show (Source: Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images)

6. Having started out as a child actress, how has the experience helped you prepare for the rigors and pitfalls of life in show business?

A: I did a few shows as a child and I would say it engaged me with the work ethic required and how much fun it could be!

7. You made quite the name for yourself at the Royal Shakespeare Company. Could you explain how performing in theater differed from, say, preparing for a role in a TV show and how it has helped shape your career?

A: I love working in all mediums. It helps you to keep growing and learning and seeing the challenges anew. I’ve been very fortunate to have a lot of variety in what I have done so far. The fundamental questions you ask are often the same to start with when working on a character but the method of the storytelling is very different. 

8. You've had a glittering career that now spans over two decades, but which particular character do you feel presented the most challenges to portray?

A: Difficult one. But possibly Elizabeth Proctor in The Crucible. It is a mammoth play and it demands that you dig very deep to really engage the storyline to it’s fullest. Incredibly rewarding and I would have been very happy to do a longer run. Fortunately, we had the opportunity to film it too with Digital Theatre so a wider audience is still able to see it. 

9. Is there any character that you've seen on TV or in a movie that's made you go 'I wish I could have played her.'

A: I love characters like Saga in 'The Bridge,' or Alice Morgan in 'Luther.' The more complicated and nuanced the better!

10. What are your plans for the future? Do you see yourself getting into direction or writing?

A: More of everything! And yes I’d love to try directing one day.

Meaww is grateful that Anna took the time out of her busy schedule to answer our questions, we wish her the best in her future endeavors!