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Internet trolls Sean Hannity after Fox News anchor shares his take on Joe Biden’s ‘radical agenda’

Sean Hannity called out Joe Biden for his policies on several issues such as inflation, border security, gas prices and immigration
Sean Hannity made a long monologue on Joe Biden's 'radical agenda' as he visited Capitol Hill for an episode of 'Hannity' (@foxnews/YouTube, @potus/Instagram)
Sean Hannity made a long monologue on Joe Biden's 'radical agenda' as he visited Capitol Hill for an episode of 'Hannity' (@foxnews/YouTube, @potus/Instagram)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Fox News host Sean Hannity visited Capitol Hill in Washington, DC on a special ‘Hannity’ event on Wednesday night to engage in conversations with members of the House of Representatives from the Republican Party.

Hannity then took to X (formerly Twitter) to share his takeaways from the special night. In the process, he made a brutal jibe at Joe Biden, calling out the government for what he believed to be “gross abuse of power.”

However, the internet was angry about Hannity’s tweet as several slammed the Fox News anchor, calling him a “liar.”

Sean Hannity slam Joe Biden’s ‘radical agenda’

Fox News anchor Sean Hannity took to X to write, “HANNITY: “[House Republicans] can stop Joe Biden’s radical agenda…if they stay united.”


Hannity’s tweet featured an article from his official website titled, “LIVE FROM THE SWAMP! Hannity Hits the Hill to Speak to the GOP, 'Americans Need Leadership' [WATCH].”

In the article, the Fox News anchor also posted a video from Capitol Hill where he said, “Make no mistake, with just 369 days until the 2024 election, House Republicans — and I'm saying it to all of you in this room and all of you that are watching at home — you will succeed together or you will fail together.”

He continued, “There won't be some winners and some losers. The only people that will really lose if you lose are the American people. There's too slim a majority for divisive infighting.”

He reiterated, “So my message tonight to lawmakers, and we'll discuss this throughout the hour, is please put aside personal grudges, individual agendas.”

“It is time. The American people need leadership. These are consequential times and they need all of you in this room with me tonight to deliver big on issues that will improve this country and increase our border security, increase our energy independence,” Hannity further added.

Hannity continued, “We've got to bring fiscal sanity to this city. We need law and order and safety and security for every American in every town and every city. We need to uphold the rule of law.”

He also said, “We need moral clarity in this time of terrorism. House Republicans, they can't control what happens in the US Senate, and they certainly can't force Joe Biden to sign any bill into law.”

Addressing the House Republicans, he further said, “But this is what they can do. They can stop Joe Biden's radical agenda if they remain united. They can investigate his corruption and they can shine a bright light on the federal government's gross abuse of power.”

He doubled down on the importance of being united, stating, “Again, if they stay united, it can also force Democrats to show their true colors and a series of very important votes. Put them on the record. They can get appropriations done in a timely manner that are also beneficial to the American people.”

Furthermore, he said, “We've got to stop robbing from future generations. Keep it simple. If House Republicans get lost in the weeds, if they get bogged down with petty disagreements, if their egos get in the way, voters, I predict, will punish them, all of you in this room in November of 2024. Again, they will succeed or they will fail together.”

“And by the way, the stakes are very high for every single American and, frankly, for the world at this time. Unfortunately, we don't know how bad things can get under Biden and one-party Democratic rule is pretty bad now. Record-breaking inflation, record-high debt, record-high gas prices, record-breaking illegal immigration, including record numbers of special interest aliens,” he said, criticizing the Biden admin.

Continuing, “Oh, let's see from countries like Iran, Syria, other countries in the Middle East, of course, China, Russia, America's enemies around the world. They are emboldened and much of what the world is now, you know, looking like it's headed towards war.”

Hannity concluded, “There is a better way forward. And the House has a very critical role to play. And they are the last line of defense against the most radical agenda in the history of our country. And they are a powerful check on the weaponization of our government.”

His entire speech was a brutal attack on Joe Biden and the Democratic party, calling him out for what he believed to be that lack of law and order, fiscal sanity and pointing out various other issues.


Internet dubs Sean Hannity a ‘dishonest person’

After Sean Hannity shared his take on what he considered to be the government’s “abuse of power” and Joe Biden’s “radical agenda,” the internet brutally blasted the Fox News anchor.

One person wrote, “Sean Hannity should say everything under oath. That's the only way we can know if he's telling the truth.”

Another slammed Hannity, adding, “Confirmed liar Hannity now lying that creating jobs , combating inflation, aiding our allies and caring for the poor and middle class is a “radical agenda.” Pathetic.”



A person simply said, “Go foxtrot yourself you propagandist traitor,” and another called out Hannity for siding with Donald Trump, writing, “Hannity should also be fir3 from Fox as he spits nothing but lies for his Trump.”



One more commented, “Hannity is an EVIL person,” and another said, “You are such a disgrace and such a dishonest man!”