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Internet slams Joe Biden after Sean Hannity claims reporters were 'shushed' while questioning POTUS about Jacksonville shooting

'His face just looks like he has no idea what is going on,' one social media user said about President Joe Biden
Sean Hannity posted a video of Joe Biden commenting on the Jacksonville shooting (@foxnews/YouTube, @seanhannity/Twitter)
Sean Hannity posted a video of Joe Biden commenting on the Jacksonville shooting (@foxnews/YouTube, @seanhannity/Twitter)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Fox News anchor Sean Hannity recently shared a video of President Joe Biden commenting on the August 26 Jacksonville shooting incident in which apparently the journalists were being "shushed" while asking questions. 

In the video, Vice President Kamala Harris and American civil rights activist Al Sharpton were seen sitting beside the POTUS, who was being interviewed regarding the shooting at a Dollar General store in Jacksonville, where three people were killed. 

In regards to the incident, which was reportedly racially motivated, Biden had previously given the statement, "Even as we continue searching for answers, we must say clearly and forcefully that white supremacy has no place in America," as per The White House.

Sean Hannity shares video of reporters getting 'shushed' while questioning President Joe Biden

Sean Hannity took to X (formerly Twitter) to share a snippet of Joe Biden’s remarks on the Jacksonville shooting, with the caption, "Reporters Get Shushed While Trying to Ask Biden Questions."


In the video, Biden can be seen silently gawking at the reporters, and in the background, a voice is heard apparently silencing the journalists as they shout at the president.

After a while, President Biden said, "We have to understand this is serious," adding, "I have spoken to the authorities in Jacksonville and the governor as well last night for some time. And right now, I asked whether it is appropriate for local people to contact the family."

"Everyone profounds loss in a different way…I haven’t spoken to them. Thank you," stated the president, concluding his remarks. 

Internet slam Joe Biden's cluelessness in the video shared by Sean Hannity

As soon as Hannity posted the video, others poured in with their comments regarding Biden's stand on the issue, as he has always been seen as being "scared" of the press.

One person said, "Dude, Sean, How is the guy our president!?!? His face just looks like he has no idea what is going on, has to take a s***, and is trying to stay awake, all at the same time. It’s embarrassing fellow Americans. Time for a real man in the White House! Please."

"He couldn’t answer them anyway," wrote another, as a user added, "And his whispering in the microphones is just plain weird," pointing to Biden murmuring over the mic. 

"Man this dude is something else shuns the fire at Hawaii but makes it a point to do this #castlerock is not getting an Oscar," expressed one, calling back his response to the Maui fires. 

Another simply exclaimed, "Poor Joey is scared of the press. Guy is too old to defend himself," while one said, "He has no clue what’s going on, look at him, he’s lost."