Indian girl builds anti-rape underwear with video recorder, lock and GPS to make women feel safer

According to National Sexual Violence Resource Center, every 98 seconds someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted which corresponds directly to the fact that every day more than 570 people face sexual violence in the country.
Worse, 17,700,000 is the count of women in the US who have been victims of rape since the year 1998.
In the face of such alarming facts and figures, it becomes essential for not just establishing stringent legal rules and regulations but developing skills and acquiring everything it takes to protect oneself from sexual predators lurking on the streets.
To bring this vision to reality and empower women to fight back offenders, one Indian woman has created a GPS-equipped anti-rape underwear in less than $68, that she proclaims to be an 'instant solution' to ward off sexual attacks that are commonplace in India too.
Barring US and UK, cases pertaining to “assault on a woman with intent to outrage her modesty” (under Section 354 of the Indian Penal Code) in India have increased by 473% from 727 in 2012 to 4,165 in 2016 itself, proving without doubt that sexual offences is a global issue and the spike in numbers is a terrifying reality for all countries in the world.
In such a scenario, Seenu Kumari, from Farrukhabad; a small district in India's most populous state Uttar Pradesh, has invented a tech-savvy, inexpensive device that could possibly be the key to prevent the rise of sexual crimes across the world.
What is the rape-proof underwear?
Kumari's creation comes equipped with electronic technology that boasts of a smart lock which cannot be opened without a password. It also entails GPS tech that sends information about the location of the wearer.
"I was unhappy with the incident of rape every day. So, I thought, why not create an underwear that can help prevent rape. After months of hard work, I was successful in my endeavors," said Kumari, as reported by Eenadu India.
"I have put a smart lock that won't open till you insert in the password. I have also installed an electronic device that is equipped with a GPS and calling facility. When somebody tries to molest a woman, the device will send out messages to the relatives of the victim and also to the police, Kumari explained further, as reported by Daily Mail.
"The cop would be able to arrive at the crime scene following the GPS and foil the rape attempt," she added further.
As witnessed in several cases before, many sexual offense cases fall flat and are dismissed due to lack of evidence which then allows the accused to go scot-free.
Not anymore, it seems.
The undergarment also comes with a video recorder that documents everything happening verbatim. This feature can surely help in capturing and storing the identity of the culprits, thus creating concrete evidence to put the offender behind bars.
In a situation, if a woman does come under attack, the wearer can just press a button on the device that would call a pre-set emergency number.
The good news is that a prototype of the creation has been sent to the National Innovation Foundation in Allahabad for patenting and if Kumari's creation is developed furthermore, it could lead to a future where sexual crimes are dealt with more briskly and the offenders put behind bars swiftly.
In her own words, Kumari stated: "If we use a better quality of clothing and equipment, it will be ready to use and sold in the market."
We hope the product helps in solving the grave issue at hand, which in the first place should need an underwear to foil the crime.