'I Am Jazz': Jazz says the world has 'come a long way' in accepting transgender people

Jazz Jennings has always been vocal about her thoughts and taken pride to be called a transgender activist. She has always tried to change people's notions about transgender people and change negative into positive. In the episode that aired on February 18, Jazz decided to be a part of a show called 'What Would You Do?'
The show aims to see how the public would respond to situations where someone is being treated badly. In the episode which Jazz was part of, the show wanted to see if the public would stand up for transgender people. The show had a transgender actress asking for the washroom with another actress telling her not to use the ladies washroom.
When the scene played out, a couple of people expressed their support for transgender women and stated that it is important for everyone to feel equal and comfortable. Jazz was happy to see that someone had stood up. She decided to go meet the people who decided to speak up.
Jazz asked a couple of them why they felt the need to raise their voice. They explained that they could see how the transgender women felt helpless while adding that one should not feel that way. Another added that everyone had the right to feel free to live the way they liked.
Jazz was happy to see how things were changing around the world. She felt that the world had "come a long way" in terms of accepting transgender people. Jazz has often taken part in educating people about how the lives of transgender people are very different.
She recently even acted in a short film that shed light on the difficulties that transgender people have to often face. The film showed the struggle of transgender women using the restroom. She had reflected that she had faced similar situations in her real life and wanted people to know how difficult things can be.
However, looking at how these people reacted, Jazz had faith in humanity again.
'I am Jazz' airs on Tuesdays at 9 pm ET on TLC.