'I am Jazz': Sanders takes Jazz to a sex museum to keep her mind off the gender confirmation surgery

Jazz Jennings has arrived in New York to consult the doctors about undergoing another surgery. While her mother and father were present, she was more happy to know that her older brother, Sanders, was there by her side.
Sanders and Jazz have been close since the start and she sees him as her best friend. She thought it would be good to have him by her side as it would help her stay calm as she walks into the hospital for her consultation. While Jazz was happy to have her brother around, Sanders had an idea up his sleeves to make sure that Jazz feels better.
Sanders came up with the idea of taking Jazz to a sex museum to make sure that she does not think about the upcoming surgery. The two were fascinated with everything that was present. Sanders confessed that he was happy that they shared a more mature relationship, now that Jazz was older.
The two went around the museum and looked at things while being surprised by edible p****-shaped lollipops. The two had the time of their life as they jumped on a bouncy castle that had breast-shaped bumps inside.
Sanders later asked Jazz how she was feeling and added that he hoped her mind was off the surgery. Jazz revealed that even though she was not thinking about it at first, looking at all the v****** that were in the museum made her think about hers.
Sanders asked Jazz if having a v****** was related to her wanting to have sex and to this Jazz replied that she just wanted to orgasm once. She further revealed that she hadn't got one till now.
While Sanders understood where all this was coming from, he advised her to have sex with someone she is close to. He added that casual sex does not bring any joy and it is better to share the experience with someone whom you are close to. While Jazz agreed, she knew she felt better just to hear something like this from her brother.
'I am Jazz' airs on Tuesdays at 9 pm ET on TLC.