'I Am Jazz': Jazz faces the pressure to pick Harvard to study but feels she does not have the 'drive' for it

Jazz Jennings has been thinking about choosing a college for a long time but she has been stuck between Harvard University and Pomona College.
While she is rethinking her decision, her parents are sure that she should choose Harvard as the college. For Glen and Jeanette Jennings, Harvard is the University that does not need second-guessing.
However, Jazz thinks that she will feel better going to Pomona. To make her decision-making process easier, Jazz decides to pay Harvard a visit. Her parents believe that she would be able to make a decision once she looks at the University.
To make things easier, they reach out to another Harvard student and hope that he would be able to clear some of the doubts that Jazz has on her mind. Jazz agrees and decides to have a look around to see how the University is. While Jeanette and Greg felt sure that it was the place for her, Jazz was still not happy.
She decided to meet Eric, a Harvard student, and expressed her worry about how she does not share the same drive as other Harvard students. She admitted that she did not want to go through the tension and pressure of doing everything right.
Jazz revealed that she wanted to do everything with passion and compassion but added that she wasn't sure if she would be able to get that at Harvard. Jazz thought that Harvard would push her to extreme heights which scares her because she has never been pushed in that way.
Eric explained that everyone has a different drive and it could not be compared to a University. However, he added that Harvard always supports people who have a drive as Jazz does. Hearing this, Hazz was left more confused and wondered if she should go to Harvard.
To make things more difficult, Jazz asked her mother if she would be disappointed if she did not choose Harvard as the University. While Jeanette agreed, Jazz felt more pressure and uncertain about which college she should go to.
'I am Jazz' airs on Tuesdays at 9 pm ET on TLC.