Hunt on for woman who stubbed cigarette on puppy's eye nearly 30 times in video and allegedly broke his legs

Authorities are on the hunt for a woman who was caught on video torturing a puppy and stubbing out a cigarette in the dog's eye as he yelped in pain. In the horrific video, the woman can be seen holding a lit cigarette in one hand while holding the tiny black and white puppy by the neck in the other.
The camera pans to her as she takes a drag of the cigarette before then repeatedly jabbing the lit end on the puppy's eye and face as he desperately struggled to get out of her grasp.
The puppy continues to cry out in pain as she repeatedly stubs the cigarette on him, but the screams are seemingly muffled because his mouth has been covered with tape.
The disturbing video goes on for another two minutes, in the span of which she stubs the lit cigarette on the helpless puppy at least 30 times.
The Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) branch of Singapore was alerted to the incident last month and took to Facebook to ask users for their help in tracking down the culprit. They said that she had not just burned the puppy's eyes, but also broken his legs.
The agency said that there were indications that the incident may not have occurred in Singapore as theorized but assured that they were "exploring all possibilities and urgently appealing for credible information to seek justice for the puppy."
SPCA Singapore also advised social media users to not share the video because there were syndicates that profited from animal torture films, including some that were "produced for sexual fetish".
Anyone with any information on the woman or the incident has been advised to contact the relevant agent in their country or reach out to SPCA Singapore at
Indonesian animal rights activist Carla Day has also started a petition and appealed to social media platforms for help tracking down the woman. "The innocent black-and-white puppy has his mouth tied shut, completely helpless against the agonizing torture — likely inflicted just so fetish filmmakers could make a profit," she said.
"This shocking incident cannot be ignored, or more animals will be tortured or killed," she said and added, "Sign this petition urging WhatsApp to conduct a thorough investigation to locate the origin of this crime, and work with local law enforcement to serve justice for this innocent puppy." The petition has collected 4,073 signatures at the time of writing.