‘Huda Boss’: Mona tries hard to bring Dom and her family together but a sudden change in plans stresses her out

The second episode of ‘Huda Boss’ saw Huda and her family make arrangements to travel to LA to do some photoshoots and meet the LA team. In the previous episode, we saw Mona proudly introduce her fiancé, and she looked happy and content with her “newly engaged” status.
However, in this episode, we saw hints of trouble in paradise. It all began when Mona asked her sister Huda about Dom accompanying them on their LA trip so that Huda and Chris could spend some time with her new fiancé and get to know him better. Huda expresses concerns with Mona’s plan because she feels that her LA trip is jam-packed with work appointments and she might not be able to give enough time or attention to Dom, which in turn might affect Dom’s perception about how Huda and Chris feel about him.

While Huda’s concerns are valid, she still meets Mona halfway and suggests that Dom join them for half the trip. It is revealed that Dom just set up a company in lumber trading, and he travels to Russia regularly to obtain sustainable timber. Mona suggested to Dom earlier that he travel with her family to LA to get to know Huda and Chris better. So, Dom readily agrees to Mona’s suggestion and moves his schedule as per the LA trip.
A night before the trip, Mona tells Dom that she discussed him joining their trip to LA with Huda felt that Dom should only be joining for half the trip. A visibly upset Dom firmly tells Mona that she should take his work commitments too into consideration. He then goes on to explain how he cleared up his schedule to accommodate the trip. He finally adds that their relationship might get into trouble if she prioritizes her work over his and their relationship every time.

Mona receives a call from her attorney. Although the details of the call are not revealed it appears to be a serious call, as Mona immediately leaves Dom saying that they’d discuss the matter further later and that she needs to make some calls. But it is revealed that Mona won’t be joining the family on the LA trip. The episode ends on a cliffhanger leaving us guessing about the details of Mona’s call and what could have possibly happened between Dom and Mona.
You can catch the latest episodes of 'Huda Boss' every Tuesday and Wednesday at 9 AM PST only on Facebook Watch.