How 'Star Trek: Section 31' fits into the franchise's timeline, explained
'Star Trek' has always been known for its bold storytelling and vision of a better future. But one storyline in particular has stirred up curiosity and debate, the mysterious Section 31. With ongoing buzz about a new series potentially starring Michelle Yeoh, fans are eager to see how this secretive organization fits into the bigger picture of the 'Star Trek' universe.
What makes Section 31 so intriguing is how it contrasts with Star Trek’s usual optimism. While the Federation represents hope, exploration, and progress, Section 31 operates in the shadows, making morally questionable decisions in the name of security. Tracing its timeline gives us a deeper understanding of this darker side of the 'Star Trek' story. Let's find out where Star Trek's Section 31 fits into the universe's timeline.
Where Section 31 began in 'Star Trek' history

Section 31 first appeared in Deep Space Nine (DS9), shaking up the Federation's clean-cut image. Created by showrunner Ira Steven Behr, the organization was introduced as a secret group willing to cross ethical lines to protect the Federation. One of their most shocking actions in DS9 was using a virus to wipe out the Changelings during the Dominion War. It was clear from the start that Section 31 wasn’t your typical Starfleet division, they worked without oversight, and even most Starfleet officers didn’t know they existed.
Later shows dove into the organization’s past, complicating the story even more. In 'Star Trek: Enterprise', set long before DS9, Section 31 is shown as a legitimate part of the Federation's early days. This raises an intriguing question, how did it go from being an official, if controversial, part of the Federation to the rogue group we see in DS9? That transformation could be a key focus of the rumored new series.
How 'Section 31' connects the 'Star Trek' franchise

Section 31’s fingerprints are all over the 'Star Trek' timeline. In Discovery, they play a crucial role in the Red Angel storyline, experimenting with time travel to outsmart the Klingons. In 'Star Trek: Picard', we see just how far they’re willing to go, they’re hoarding the DNA of dead Starfleet captains for secretive experiments. Even outside the shows, Section 31 has been explored in novels, which expand its reach into the original series and beyond.
This secretive organization has become one of the most controversial and fascinating parts of 'Star Trek'. Whether the new show explores their rise or their eventual downfall, it’s bound to give us a deeper look at the not-so-easy moral questions that have always made 'Star Trek' more than just a sci-fi adventure.