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How did Victor Navasky die? Nation editor and author of 'Kennedy Justice' dies at 90

Victor Navasky, a renowned author and journalist, who oversaw the liberal US weekly The Nation has died at the age of 90
Victor Navasky has authored several well-known books such as ‘Kennedy Justice,’ ‘Naming Names' etc (Columbia University/YouTube)
Victor Navasky has authored several well-known books such as ‘Kennedy Justice,’ ‘Naming Names' etc (Columbia University/YouTube)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Victor Navasky, a renowned author and journalist who oversaw the liberal US weekly The Nation, has died at the age of 90. Navasky authored several well-known books such as ‘Kennedy Justice,’ ‘Naming Names,’ which won the National Book Award, ‘A Matter of Opinion’, which won the George Polk Book Award, ‘The Art of Controversy: Political Cartoons’ and ‘Their Enduring Power’. 

Apart from being an author and journalist, Victor was also a professor at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, where he served as the head of the Columbia Journalism Review and director of the Delacorte Center for Magazine Journalism. Katrina vanden Heuvel, a representative for The Nation, confirmed Navasky's passing on Tuesday, January 24, writing on Twitter, “Victor Navasky changed my life, and 1000s of others who embarked on their informal journalistic education at The Nation as interns. Victor was a true believer in the power of independent media—quietly fierce in his convictions, kind and generous to so very many. I will miss him.” 


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Meanwhile, according to Washington Post, Victor’s son Bruno revealed pneumonia as the reason for his passing. From 1978 until 2005, Navasky presided over the Nation as editor and then publisher. The New York-based weekly, which was established at the end of the Civil War, gained incredible influence over the years by publishing articles by so many authors, including James Baldwin, Henry James, and IF Stone.



After his death, several fellow journalists came forward and paid their condolences. MSNBC’s David Corn wrote, “I was just told Victor Navasky, the former publisher/editor of The Nation, died. He plucked me out of the intern program & was my boss for many years. I learned much from him, as did many others. He was a champion of progressive journalism & had an impish wit. Thank you, Victor.” The New York Times’s Robin Pogrebin added, “Very sad to hear that Victor Navasky, longtime editor of The Nation, has passed away at 90.” 



Several others also came out and shared their memories with Victor as one person wrote, “One small part of my gratitude towards the great Victor Navasky: the honor of his citing in his book, A Matter of Opinion, my 2002 attack on the journalistic practices of the company that would hire me five years later and employ me for a marvelous decade of great work.” “Rest in Peace to Victor Navasky, former editor-in-chief of The Nation and someone who believed in me before I believed in myself. I’ll add that Victor’s book ‘Naming Names’ is timeless, as he was, is, and always will be,” yet another user remarked.