'Nothing will be the same': Granddad's heartbreaking tribute to baby Rhuan Immanuel killed by parents

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QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA: The grandfather of a seven-month-old child whose parents are accused of torturing and killing him has spoken out, saying that the pain of the baby's death is infinite. The maternal grandfather of Rhuan Immanuel expressed his grief in a short poem posted on a fundraising page set up to cover the cost of Rhuan's funeral.
Rhuan's parents, Reinhardt Bosch, 33, and Noemi Kondacs, 22, were arrested Nov 3 and are accused of torturing and killing their son between April 11 and the day he died Nov 2. Kelly Cousins, a family friend, launched a fundraiser last week to ensure that the young child who "deserved so much better" is "honored with a proper funeral" In just three days, she was able to raise $4,670 in donations, and she ended the event by thanking the neighborhood for their kind gifts.
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"Thank you all so much. You have been instrumental in removing huge extra stress from the family of baby Rhuan,' she wrote. "We will now plan and hold a beautiful memorial service for this precious little boy. We wish you all the best and please know that we look forward to paying this generosity forward in the very near future. Love to you all xxx."

The grandfather's grief for his grandson's death and his anger towards the parents who caused such suffering for the toddler is evident in his short but powerful message. "Why? How could this happen? Why you? The sorrow which your absence caused will never end," the grandfather wrote as per Daily Mail. "Your name is Rhuan. Nobody will understand. Nothing will be the same as before."
On November 11, Kelly Cousins said, "Rhuan was here for such a short time but he was loved so dearly, particularly by his grandfather. We cannot undo what’s [allegedly] happened but we can do this one thing for him," she said. "Hug your kids tonight and if you need help, please seek it and seek it and seek it until you get it. Love to you all."
Reinhardt Bosch and Noemi Kondacs are believed to be "deeply religious". They are originally from South Africa and were taken into custody by the police on November 3, when they arrived at their Mount Samson Roadhouse in Yugar, Brisbane, in response to an emergency call at about 6.45 am. According to court papers, the parents murdered the infant on November 9 and prayed for his survival for about 24 hours before dialing 911.
Queensland Police Detective Inspector David Jackman said, "It certainly hits home. I have been a detective for 30-odd years, and it is one of the most confronting scenes I've seen. The child was found in the house, but where in the house, I'm not at liberty to say. The investigation has uncovered injuries to the child that is enough for us to charge murder," Inspector Jackson said, adding, "They're defenseless at seven months old and it's not pleasant, no."