How one family's dreams shattered after mom noticed something strange about 10-yr-old daughter's eyes

BUNBURY, AUSTRALIA: A family went from being happy and content to devastated after their daughter was suddenly diagnosed with a brain tumor, which cannot be treated or operated on. Evie Whipps was reportedly narrating a story to her mother, Pia, when the latter noticed something unusual about her child’s eyes.
The 10-year-old did not realize that her eyes were rapidly darting from side to side very quickly. “I hundred percent knew something was wrong, A few days before she had some symptoms, that when isolated wasn't a big deal but once the eyes happened I put certain things together. My mind instantly went to her brain - I thought something wrong with her brain,” Pia told Daily Mail.
‘I wasn't going to give up'
Pia revealed that the aforementioned incident happened on February 6. Before that, when they went camping, the schoolgirl had been tripping frequently and also complained of a pain in her head. Pia reportedly said, “She had just been through a major growth spurt so we figured her legs had grown too quickly and she would catch up - we had all had a few headaches because it had been hot so just had her drinking more water.”
She added, “Once the eyes happened I wasn't going to give up until we got an MRI. I thought she was having a stroke. Why is there no rush here? I spent two days 60 plus phone calls trying to get her an MRI and people said it could be anywhere from four to eight weeks wait, so I ended up taking her to Perth.”
‘I couldn't believe this was my life'
Pia claimed that initially, doctors did not think her daughter’s case was serious but went for an MRI “to look into it quickly." Soon, Whipps' results came. “The GP called. I could hear in his voice that something was really bad. Then he said 'it is a glioma'. I collapsed, I couldn't believe this was my life,” the mother said.
“I googled it and I instantly knew that was it. It was almost like we already knew the end. We know there's no hope. It sounds awful when I say that. But the prognosis is horrendous,” Pia explained before stating that radiotherapy and clinical trials were now their only hope.
Pia continued, “With radiotherapy alone, we could have an extra year. But I have spoken to some parents who are on these clinical trials and their kids are still doing well after two years.” The family has now shifted to Perth Children’s Hospital. Pia said, “Josh [Evie’s father] and I have been by her side from the beginning and would like to keep it that way for the rest of her time.”
‘All we have now is hope for a miracle'
Pia said, “We are constantly sending love and healing light to Evie's brain and visualizing 'the thing' disintegrating. We are also repeating 'Evie is healed' to keep us all positive and focused on the best possible outcome. All we have now is hope for a miracle,” before pointing out that Evie keeps saying, "Tell everyone I can't die from this.”
Slamming doctors for ignoring her intuitions, Pia said, “You could have ten symptoms but they will only pick the five that match what they want it to be. They say it is a virus and to go home. Listen to parents, sounds cliché but we know our kids.”
‘Our hope is that Evie’s family can enjoy every second’
Meanwhile, a GoFundMe has been started to support the Whipps family. The fundraiser reads, “Evie’s MRI shows the mass is attached to her brain stem that will grow rapidly, eventually squeezing and damaging her healthy brain tissue. Unfortunately due to the nature of this tumor, Evie’s health and ability to function will decline and this awful cancer will take her from us long before she is due."
It continues, “No family can be prepared for such a diagnosis and Pia and Josh’s lives have been turned upside down. For the coming weeks and months Pia and Josh, as well her Evie’s little brother and sister will be living at the children’s hospital while Evie receives medical care to keep her comfortable and to ease her symptoms.”
The fundraiser adds, “As Josh is the sole provider for his household this means that there will be no income, and unfortunately the bills do not stop coming. We are asking for financial support to enable this amazing family to stay together and spend every single moment together and not miss a thing. Our hope is that Evie’s family can enjoy every second of the time they have without the added burden of financial stress."