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'Hot Mess House': Stephanie gets overwhelmed by all the clutter, will she go ahead with the transformation?

Stephanie and her boyfriend, Travis, have been living together in the house for two years but the clutter has made it impossible for them to live freely

Stephanie and Travis have been together for five years and two years ago, the pair finally decided to move in together. While they have been enjoying every second of it, one thing they don't look forward to is the clutter in the house. Giving a layout of their house, Travis and Stephanie showed how their house had things all over the place. 

With several clothes overflowing the cabinets and others being stuffed inside a closet, organization expert and coach Cassandra Aarssen knew they needed her help. One would think that being a virtual session, the pair would have a hard time doing things by themselves but Aarssen made sure that she was there to help them through it all. 

One thing that shocked Aarssen the most was the closet that was piled up with clothes. Stephanie explained that Travis had to jump over things if he wanted to get his jackets that were hung at the end of the room. Looking at how the clutter had spread, Aarssen revealed that Stephanie was a "ladybug" — someone who likes visual simplicity but is a micro organizer.

She further said that they are people who are keen on finding fast, easy, and simple solutions. To make sure everything is organized, Aarssen asks Stephanie and Travis to get rid of 50% of their clothes. She divided them into things that need to be sold, donated and others that are to be kept. 

As hard as it was for Stephanie, who says she is a fashionista, Aarssen made it clear that it had to be done. To make things easier for them, Aarssen sent them some movable racks that they could use to put in the closet where all the things were piled up. By giving this rack, Aarssen hoped it would be easy for the pair to remove and move things around while making sure they don't have to jump over things to get something. 

At the same time, she sent them some boxes to organize all their clothes and put under their bed while also organizing the closet. Just when Aarssen thought they have got everything under control, Stephanie became overwhelmed. Aarssen did not think there was anything wrong with it and felt she might be feeling embarrassed by seeing everything on the bed and knowing that the world was going to see it. 

Stephanie decided to take a break while Travis continued sorting the closets. She finally felt good enough to start again. After organizing everything, the pair was happy that they finally had a house that was organized and admitted it made them feel good about it. 'Hot Mess House' airs on Wednesdays at 8 pm ET on HGTV.