"Don't worry, it's my first husband!" Wife tells new husband after he digs up human skull while planting potatoes in backyard

While planting potatoes in his backyard, a gardener found a human skull buried in the ground to his horror. His wife later revealed to him rather casually that it was the remains of her first husband who she had buried 20 years ago after allegedly axing him to death.
"Don't worry - it's my first husband," the 60-year-old woman calmly explained to her husband after he discovered the bones in the garden of her home in Luzino, a village in the Omsk region of Siberia.
She then told her partner to "bury the remains again, forget about it, and we won't tell the police" before unraveling the dark confession of the killing of her former husband, reported Daily Mail.
The petrified husband, however, ignored his wife's instructions and informed law enforcement authorities.
Reportedly, 21 years ago, the wife was frustrated after her former husband "came home drunk and beat me" repeatedly and struck him with an axe during an argument at her house.
After cutting the man to pieces, who was 52 years old at the time, she buried the remains in her potato patch. After the incident, the woman convinced herself and pretended that her husband had gone to work and never come home, maintaining the narrative to everyone who asked about his whereabouts.
After finding several other bones, the 60-year-old's new husband decided to ignore her demands and reported to crime to authorities.
According to the Russian Investigative Committee, which is known to probe serious crimes, the unnamed woman confessed to killing her husband.
She even demonstrated how she dismembered her husband with an axe in a crime reconstruction demanded by the police, which was photographed by detectives.
A judge put the woman under house arrest until the criminal investigation concluded after police found other bones while digging out the vegetable garden.
The cold-blooded wife was slapped with a maximum penalty of ten years in prison on a charge of wilful killing.
"By planting potatoes this man may have saved his own life," said a nearby resident.
Similarly, a new documentary, Dead North, recreates the story of Kelly M. Cochran, who is currently serving a 65-year prison sentence. Cochran was charged with injecting her husband with a lethal dose of heroin and smothering him at their home in Indiana, according to Unilad.
According to the IndyStar, Cochran has also been accused of murdering her lover, Chris Regan, before allegedly serving his remains to her neighbors at a BBQ.
According to the documentary’s IMDb page:
In the cold, isolated world of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, Police Chief Laura Frizzo launches an investigation into the disappearance of Chris Regan, never expecting to come face to face with a possible serial killer.
Cochran confessed she and her husband lured Regan into their home; shooting and dismembering him before dumping his remains in the woods. Cochran stated she and her spouse had made a ‘pact’ to ‘kill off anyone involved in their extramarital affairs.'
However, according to court documents, Cochran has said she was angry at her husband, murdering him in revenge for Regan’s death.
Cochran was sentenced for Regan’s murder in May 2017 and was sentenced on April 18 for the murder of her husband.