Who is Hollister Tryon? Connecticut youth, 18, puts Hitler quote under student's yearbook pic

GLASTONBURY, CONNECTICUT: A local high school student who allegedly placed a quote of Adolf Hitler and of 2013 Boston Marathon bomber under the pictures of other students in this year’s Glastonbury High School yearbook has been arrested.
According to the police department's online arrest log, Hollister Tryon, 18, of 207 Buttonball Lane is facing two counts of third-degree computer crime. Each count is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison. Tryon was arrested on July 9 and was released on a $5,000 bond, of which he had to post 10% in cash, according to police. Tryon “is accused of unlawfully accessing a computer database students used to submit their yearbook quotes and changing the two students’ quotes prior to publication of the yearbook in October 2020,” police said in the arrest log. He is due August 6, in Manchester Superior Court.
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Tryon is accused of putting the Hitler quote, which was incorrectly attributed to George Floyd, under the photo of another student, police say. Tryon is also accused of placing a quote under yet another student’s photo that attributed to drugs and included the name of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who was convicted of involvement in the Boston Marathon bombings in 2013. It is reported that 3 people were killed by the pressure cooker bombs place by Tsarnaev and his brother, Tamerian, who was killed during their attempt to escape from police four days after the bombings. Around 280 people were injured by the bombs.
The school administrators came to know about the tampering after initial copies of the yearbook were distributed to the high school seniors. The school later asked the students who received their yearbooks to return them for correction, and they delayed the distribution of other yearbooks to permit the corrections to be made.
Glastonbury's Superintendent of Schools and the high school's principal penned a letter to the community that said, “There is no place for any of this anywhere in our school system,” they wrote. “As a district, we have committed ourselves to examining our school system and our school culture and to dismantling any practices that support inequality, privilege, and racism. We made that commitment a year ago. These are NOT just words. We have begun this critical work this year and will continue the work for many years to come.”