'Hightown' Episode 6 proves Rene is the only one who has the smarts while Jackie, Junior and Ryan disappoint
'Hightown' Episode 5 showed how destructive Jackie was — to herself and others around her. In Episode 6, Ray and Junior join her ranks to show us that they can do much worse. Initially, the episode distracts us with Jackie trying to clean up her act when she revisits Alcohol Anonymous. We begin to think that maybe this is the beginning of some sense being shaken into Jackie after she led Frankie's men to Krista with her obsession in investigating Sherry's death.
However, all of that goes up in smoke when she claims that she will not let the men behind Sherry and Krista's death get off without punishment. Yes, it is pretty hypocritical of her to try to get others punished while she deserves to self-introspect herself. She did almost kill a woman when she took the wheel under the influence of drugs and alcohol herself. However, all of that is shoved off under the rug.
Her act of finding justice for Sherry and Krista is to be read as Jackie's way of finding redemption for what she did. However, there is a lack of sincerity in her attempts. Her motives are selfish and don't go beyond that. This is reflected in her move to seek out Frankie's girlfriend Renee aka Candy at the strip joint she works at.
After Jackie pays for quality time with Renee — which foreshadows how Ray had first gotten in touch with Renee — Jackie unsuccessfully tries to pump Renee for information on Frankie. This is a name that she had recently dug out after looking closer at Krista's death. Renee realizes what Jackie is getting at and she is not happy. She instead tells Jackie to talk to Frankie directly if she is so intrigued by the idea of finding the truth.
Jackie concludes that this is the best course of action and visits Frankie in the prison where she tells him everything that she has learned so far. Why someone claiming to investigate a crime would reveal all their cards to someone they consider the prime suspect of the said crime is beyond us. However, Jackie is known for pulling stunts that leave our minds boggled. So this is no different.
The one thing that she does learn, however, is that someone close to her has been feeding information to Frankie about her. Meanwhile, Ray closes in on Osito by getting his hands on drug dealer Scotty. He learns of Osito's girlfriend Kathleen and finds him camped at her place and brings him in for questioning. The only problem, however, is that Osito is a smart man and he asks for his lawyer right away.
It is surprising that Ray, a detective of the narcotics team, didn't see this coming. Didn't he get the feel for Osito's sharp brain when he tried to track the man and came up with zilch the first few times? Apparently not, because while Osito is in custody, Ray still has zilch to hold him on. Without Osito, there is no connection between the deaths of Sherry, Krista and Frankie.
That brings us to one other person who can serve as a witness against Frankie if he were to come clean. Junior. In this episode, Junior goes off the deep end as everything that he has been hiding spills over to affect his personal life. He gets more involved in the business of selling drugs and even leaves his girlfriend and daughter hanging after having promised to go out for an open house to buy a townhome.
His erratic behavior leads his girlfriend to believe that he might be on the drugs again. Surprisingly though, he is still clean. However, he has become a lot more aggressive in his dealings with customers. Badmouthing them, using homophobic slurs and insults apart, he also gets beaten up pretty badly. Why did Junior believe that he could get away with insulting two men dressed completely in leather and about ready to enjoy some BDSM time?
Can we hope to get answers to these questions in the final two episodes of the show? We will have to wait and watch. New episodes of 'Hightown' air on Sunday nights at 8 pm ET on Starz.